WAR valve tuning thread

The Benjamin Marauder air rifle can be tuned. You can adjust the trigger and the rifles velocities for different fill pressures.

WAR valve tuning thread

Postby oldpro » Sat Oct 18, 2014 1:38 pm

Due to a High volume of calls and this being a new product and myself being only one person I would like to share information here so please post your tunes here including what other parts (depingers NBH etc,) might be installed. This will help us all grow in knowledge and share our results.
Last edited by oldpro on Sun Oct 19, 2014 9:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: WAR valve tuning thread

Postby ajshoots » Sat Oct 18, 2014 5:00 pm

Gen2 .25 Mrod. Factory air tube with NO depinger. War valve and hammer 12.5lbs spring. Barrel port opened to .187.
first fill 2500psi 6 turns in on striker, 0 on hammer spring. Only took 8 shots with both jsb 25gr and eunjin 43.2gr.

Jsb's 950avg Eunjin's 805avg.

3100psi 6 in on striker and 4 in on hammer spring 43.2 eunjins
862, 860, 865, 863, 861, 865, 861, 858
end pressure of 2500psi. shot 9 went 850, but shot 10 dropped to 798.

3100psi 6 in on striker and 6 in on hammer spring 43.2 eunjins
892, 894, 889, 891
Done after 4 shots, shot 5 was WAY slow.

I had little time today and had to contend with rain that gave me little to no chrony time. Will have more tomorrow. I did get alittle test with my .22 but the rain and lack of day light cut me way short.

Gen2 .22 Mrod. Factory airtube with NO depinger. War valve and hammer 10lbs spring. barrel port opened to .181.

3100psi 2 in on striker and 3 in on hammer spring 25gr jsb monster
fired 10 shots but 2 errors and finally gave up due to failing daylight and rain. Did hit 937 twice and everything was looking decent for a first string.

I have a freshly filled scba tank and tons of pellets. After work if weather permits, I will have some good solid numbers on both guns.

I am calling the .25 Done!! My goal was 8 shots @ 850fps with eunjins. I got 8 shots @861avg and an amazingly tight sd!! I am far from done with the .22 and knew that would be my challenge from the start. My goal for the .22 is 20 shots @900fps with jsb monsters. I plan to have final tune numbers tomorrow.

Thus far, I am in awe of this combo!! Never would have believed that these kind of results were possible. Not to mention how quiet both guns are with heavy weight pellets at high velocities!! Travis hit a homerun with this combo!! I can't even put into words how awesome my guns now are!! It is absolutely STUPID how powerful, quiet, and efficient my Mrods are!! If I were wealthy, I would buy every forum member a valve and hammer just so everyone could see with their own eyes how truely impressive this combo really is.

Will report back tomorrow with more results.
Last edited by ajshoots on Sun Oct 19, 2014 6:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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WAR valve tuning thread

Postby oldpro » Sat Oct 18, 2014 5:09 pm

Here's a good base tune for a 2500psi fill . This is War valve,depinger,and NBH 0 on HS(12.5lbs) 7 in on HT

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WAR valve tuning thread

Postby oldpro » Sat Oct 18, 2014 5:10 pm

Ow forgot .25 with JSBKINGS

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Re: WAR valve tuning thread

Postby ajshoots » Sat Oct 18, 2014 5:36 pm

One thing I must add that I feel is very important. I have removed the factory junk depingers from both guns. Repeat, THERE IS NO DEPINGER IN EITHER GUN and they are still super quiet. The .22 is ridiculous. The .25 only has a ping from the lack of a depinger and slight spring twang from the heavy hammer spring. I hear these noises, but I had my wife stand right next to me and she doesn't here anything but the BIG thud when the pellet hits my backstop!! I have little to no need for super quiet, thus the reason I don't use depingers as I really could care less about ping. However, for those of you who care, the 3D depinger will make the .25 stupid quiet and I think in a .22 you would swear it never fired as it is already silent.

My final thoughts for this evening. If you want your .22 or .25 mrods to be pure powerhouse efficient rifles that are super quiet and just plain BADA$$, then you have to get this valve and hammer!!! I never imagined a .25 Mrod that could produce 70+fpe with such a tight sd for 8 shots and remain silent!! I am one HAPPY F-ing CAMPER!!
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Re: WAR valve tuning thread

Postby Whitney » Sat Oct 18, 2014 7:24 pm

Very excited hope my valve, spring, hammer, depinger will be here this week
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Re: WAR valve tuning thread

Postby FuzzyGrub » Sun Oct 19, 2014 5:57 am

Since the valve has adjustable preload, may want to capture that info as well.

Prods: 2201P .22 Pistol, 1720T Camp Carbine, M4 .177/.22 Carbine, PMrod .177/.22 Rifle, MProd .22
Mrods: .25 MDRL Bullpup, Srod .25 Syn Stock, Gen II Woody Reg'ed 177
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Re: WAR valve tuning thread

Postby oldpro » Sun Oct 19, 2014 9:53 am

I preset all the poppet preloads to max tension then I blue lock tight them. If one wanted to they could put in a tighter or stiffer valve spring, there are lots of adjustments that can be done and I hope in the future like with the stock set-up we learn new ways to set up this combo for various tunes.
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Re: WAR valve tuning thread

Postby RidgeRunner05 » Sun Oct 19, 2014 10:44 am

I got a chance to start playing with my war valve today. I initially started working on a 2500-1500psi tune with various spring and hammer settings.

2200psi/ War Valve/ 12.5# HS/ 25.4gr JSB
HS- 0
Velocity Peak- 970fps
Velocity Peak- 990fps

I then filled the gun to 2600psi to see how a 3000-2000psi tune would look.
velocity peak- 1020fps

when I noted the increase in velocity with the increase in fill pressure I decided to see how my tune looked from 3000psi. Charged the rifle, and shot 2 mags over the chrono.


I'm hoping I can massage this tune to 16-20 shots from 1020-1040-1020 so when I get some heavier slugs I'll be in the 900 - 950fps range for hogs and coyotes :D
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Re: WAR valve tuning thread

Postby oldpro » Sun Oct 19, 2014 11:21 am

crank it up a bit and SONIC BOOM time!!! :D
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