First string after Staley mod

The Benjamin Marauder air rifle can be tuned. You can adjust the trigger and the rifles velocities for different fill pressures.

First string after Staley mod

Postby helimech81 » Wed Dec 31, 2014 6:24 pm

I finally got a chrony and started the modding process on my .22 synrod. So far I have put a 10lb spring and did the bstaley o ring mod. Here is my string using 14.3 grain premiers with the factory tune. 1-852; 2-849; 3-850; 4-846; 5-844; 6-840; 7-842; 8-836; 9-836; 10-833; 11-830; 12-826; 13-820; 14-820; 15-816; 16-806; 17-811; 18-806; 19-793; 20-797; 21-794; 22-790; 23-788; 24-782; 25-777; 26-772; 27-769; 28-758; 29-760; 30-756; 31-751; 32-745. Start fill 2900 psi. Ended at 1600. I was not impressed. After the mods with the hammer tension set at +6 turns, striker at +3, and the valve metering screw is 5 turns out. I couldn't get any faster speeds with the striker past +3 for some reason. I used H&N barracuda 21 grain pellets for the second. I wanted to see if I could get 20 good shots at around 890fps. My ultimate goal is to get at least 20 good shots at 30 ftlbs. If I have to go to 18 grain jsb's, so be it but I know my barrel likes the H&N's. So here is my first full string after the mods starting at 2900 psi. 1-871; 2-861; 3-864; 4-845; 5-857; 6-856; 7-840; 8-842; 9-842; 10-843; 11-839; 12-836; 13-824; 14-816; 15-816; 16-814; 17-807; 18-809; 19-803; 20-799; 21-784; 22-782; 23-782; 24-771; 25-761; 26-765; 27-759; 28-748; 29-746; 30-736; 31-727; 32-727. Ended at 1600psi. The string improved, but it can be much better. Anyone have any suggestions to get the velocity and a good string with the H&N's or should I just start over with the jsb's? I would be one happy man if I could get 20 shots at around 890fps with the H&N's. That's pushing the high 30's in the foot pounds.
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Re: First string after Staley mod

Postby StefanMD » Thu Jan 01, 2015 1:05 am

Well, both strings are bad looking, it should be like a bell curve, not a descending line!

I don't know exactly, but think that 37-38fpe string from unmodified gun is hard to manage although 30fpe string is manageable!

If you want string at 30fpe, I would tried to tune the gun to shot Barracudas at 800-830-800fps (30-32fpe, about 4% ES), but I think you have to lower your HT settings to BHB can do it's job, and then probably lower and HS settings a little, then shot and post that string, we will see and help you... ;)

Happy New Year!
Mrod 0.177, BSA Deer Hunter 8-32x44, reg@1450 psi, 90 shots @15fpe SOLD
Mrod 0.22, NS Target Master FT IL 6-24x56, reg@1800 psi, 50 shots @24fpe SOLD
Weihrauch HW100 0.177, NS Nighteater MD 8-32x60, 120 shots @12fpe
SPA P12 0.22, still testing, 52fpe max
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Re: First string after Staley mod

Postby jimmyk » Thu Jan 01, 2015 7:24 am

Here is the procedure for the Staley tune. I keep a lot of important stuff stored away on the computer for times like this. Hope it helps.

Poor man's M-Rod, P-rod, etc. "Regulator" explained (Long)September 7 2011 at 8:03 PM bsta
September 7 2011 at 9:17 PM
By bstaley (Login q1q)

Poor man's M-Rod, P-rod, etc. "Regulator" explained (Long)September 7 2011 at 8:03 PM bstaley (Login bstaley)
First of all, despite the title, this mod is not a Regulator at all. Truth is I don't really know what you would call it. Maybe one of you can come up with a good name.

(if you are already intimately familiar with m-rod p-rod tuning skip the next 2 paragraphs)

As most of us are aware the M-Rod and P-Rod have a number of adjustments that allow us to tune our guns to suit our desired purpose. Both guns have a hammer spring preload adjustment and a stroke length adjustment. By changing and balancing these 2 settings you can raise or lower the 'sweet spot' and to some extent the velocity. Also changing the ratio of stroke to tension can have an effect on the efficiency as well. Both guns also have a Transfer Port, who's main function is to limit the flow of gas resulting in flatter, more efficient shot strings by limiting the peak of the sweet spot. On the P-rod the port diameter is fixed, and in the M-rod it is adjustable, which allows for optimizing shot strings over a wider range of target velocities without having to modify a fixed port.

All of these adjustments allow those who can understand how they all interact to achieve some very impressive shot strings, but it usually involves lots of trial and error, and lots of pellets over the Chrony. For many this can be a very frustrating process, so many just live with far from optimum settings, or spend good money to send their guns to one of our fine tuners to do it for them. Also since the settings are very precise, it is hard to change the settings to achieve a different tune and then return to a previous tune, without a lot more time consuming tweaking and chrony time not to mention expensive pellets.

This mod makes use of two of the existing adjustments, namely Spring Tension and Hammer Stroke length, but completely changes the usage of the stroke adjustment. It also eliminates the need for a restrictive transfer port to flatten the curve, so the transfer port can be set wide open in the M-rod, and drilled out or replaced with Poly tube in any of the other platforms. It achieves this by re-tasking the Stroke adjustment setting to instead precisely control the maximum amount the valve is able to be opened by limiting the hammer stroke to a fixed distance.

This mod is really so simple that I really didn't expect it to work as well as it has proven to. For lack of a better term, I'll call it a buffer for now. this buffer could probably be fabricated as one piece by those so inclined, but I just used standard o-rings to fashion my prototypes. The air tubes of these guns are designed around standard o-ring sizes, so the o-rings fit the tubes perfectly and stay put with just friction to hold them in place. The "buffer" forms a stiff but somewhat flexible tube that surrounds the valve stem. In effect, it just becomes a secondary valve return spring, with a much higher spring rate, or stiffness, than the one inside the valve. The buffer limits the travel of the hammer by contacting the outer edges of the hammer, but does not interfere with the smaller diameter striker which is the adjustable piece normally used for adjusting stroke length. So when the striker hits the valve stem, everything works pretty much the same as stock, UNTIL the hammer body comes in contact with the buffer. At that point the Buffer pretty much overwhelms all the other factors involved, absorbing the remaining hammer energy and limiting the valve opening based on how far the striker extends beyond the end of the hammer body (the number of CW turns from full CCW)

The buffer also then becomes, in effect, the stroke length adjustment. Since I wanted to use the highest recommended pressure fills, in my testing, I only used the minimum number of O-rings needed to give me the range of adjustment I wanted. This results in a longish stoke. Using more o-rings (a longer buffer) than I did would result in a shorter stroke which might also be advantageous, but I haven't experimented with that. One could also experiment with different types or o-rings or even quad rings. I would assume that varying the stiffness of the buffer would have some effect on the resultant string as well.

To install the mod you just need to disassemble your gun far enough to remove the hammer assembly, which you can find detailed elsewhere I'm sure, although I was actually able to insert the o-rings into the sear opening in the bottom of the marauder tube and manipulate them into place with a small screwdriver without having to remove the hammer. For the P-rod, my buffer consisted of 4 '113' o-rings, which should also work in Disco/22xx tubes. For the M-rod I used 3 '211' o-Rings. (i hope those are the right ones) Just insert the o-rings into the rear of the Air tube and push them forward so they stack up against the face of the valve. The resulting buffer should extend at least a little bit further from the valve face than the valve stem does, and even further if you want to go with shorter hammer strokes. That's it, you're done. Just re assemble and you're ready to go.

While you're in there though, you should also open up the M-rod transfer port to wide open. In any of the other platforms you'll probably want to put in a larger diameter transfer port, by drilling out your stock one (.11 works pretty well for the p-rod) or replacing it with freezer poly tube. This isn't required for the mod to work but if you are interested in higher velocity tunes the stock port will limit how high you can go. M-rod owners may also want to take this opportunity to tighten the grub screw on the top of the hammer that puts pressure on the little plug that adds friction to the stroke adjustment. Mine was pretty loose when I first tried this and over just a few shots, this adjustment would slip enough to noticeably affect velocity.

If you want to try this mod on a Disco or 22xx, you'll also need to replace the stock hammer with a P-rod hammer. I have heard that they will work in these guns, but I haven't verified this. If you have the proper equipment, you could probably modify a stock hammer to add an adjustable striker to it as well. You will also need some way to adjust the hammer spring tension and access the stroke setting in the hammer. You could probably use a p-rod end plug by drilling and tapping a new hole for the top screw, or a Melon or similar power Adjuster would probably work well too. I'm sure anyone who tries this on one of those platforms will be able to figure that part out better than I.

The main advantage of this mod is that it just makes tuning the gun so much easier. It almost makes it impossible to get a "bad" tune. Now the only 2 adjustments you need to worry about are the spring tension and the stroke adjustment. Although they do have some effect on each other, you can for the most part consider them independent adjustments.

Use the Spring tension adjustment to raise (cw turns) or lower (ccw turns) the sweet spot of your string. A good starting place would be whatever setting you were using before installing the mod and just fine tune it from there.

Use the Stroke length adjustment as your Velocity control. Turning it CW will raise your velocity and CCW will lower it (the opposite of what it used to do). I start at full CCW and then dry fire a few times, adjusting CW after each shot until enough air is being released to fire a pellet at reasonably low velocity. Depending on the length of the buffer, when set at full CCW, the striker may not even engage the valve stem at all and no air will be released.

I usually start tuning by filling the reservoir to a pressure that I know will be somewhere in the middle of my sweet spot. Fire a few shots over the chrony, adjusting the stroke adjustment in or out until you reach your target velocity. This setting is very sensitive, 1/8th or even 1/16th of a turn can make a noticeable change in velocity and 2-3 turns from where it first engages the valve stem is probably the effective range. If you go too far CW, the buffer will be taken out of the equation entirely because the hammer won't ever travel far enough to hit it.

Once you get the velocity about where you want it, finish filling the reservoir to your desired fill level and shoot a string over the chrony. The resultant sting should look just like the shot string from any well tuned PCP. You should get a smooth rise to a fairly consistent velocity for a large number of shots, followed by a smooth drop in velocity. If the sweet spot isn't where you want it, increase or decrease the spring tension accordingly, and if the velocity needs a little tweaking make very small changes in the stroke adjustment.

Once you get the Spring tension set where you want it, you can pretty much ignore it too. I have my sweet spot set up so that my usable shots at my highest power tune start right around the peak fill pressure. I then just use the stroke adjustment to change my velocity. The sweet spot will drop a little bit as you tune to lower velocities, but only by about 100-200 psi over a pretty wide range of velocities.

Once you get a feel for the new adjustments you can pretty much tune to any desired velocity with just a chrony and a few pellets. I have also found that the settings are fairly well repeatable. If I record my settings, make changes and then reset back to the original settings, the resultant shot string will be very close.....but again, the stroke adjustment is sensitive, so it will only be as good as your ability to exactly match the setting.

Don't expect this mod to give you the BEST possible shot string. I'm sure there still is room for tweaking so you'll probably still have to work if you want the best possible shot string. But it will generally get you to a VERY GOOD shot string with almost no effort at all once you get used to it. With this mod you really can make use of multiple tunes in your gun without having to worry about how hard it will be to get back to a previous tune.

So if you give this a try let us know how it works out for you. I'm especially interested in how well it will work with different calibers of m-rod as well as the Disco and 22xx platforms. If you use CO2 let us know how it works and how best to tune for CO2. I'd also be interested to see if adding an HDD to this mod improves the shot strings even further.
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Re: First string after Staley mod

Postby RayK » Thu Jan 01, 2015 11:39 am

helimech81 wrote:I would be one happy man if I could get 20 shots at around 890fps with the H&N's.

Then I predict you're not going to be happy with your Marauder - unless you add a bottle kit.

Since you're after a high power tune, you'd be better off dumping the BHB o-rings and doing classic tuning. Then see how many good shots you can get at you're goal power.

25 W-rod | 08 shots @ 70 FPE -2% | 3100 fill
25 M-rod | 40 shots @ 35 FPE -4% | 3100 fill
22 M-rod | 51 shots @ 25 FPE -4% | 3100 fill
17 M-rod | 50 shots @ 19 FPE -4% | 2500 fill
25 P_rod | 16 shots @ 29 FPE -3% | 2100 fill
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Re: First string after Staley mod

Postby helimech81 » Fri Jan 02, 2015 8:49 am

Thanks for tha advice. I was just experimenting to see if I could get 20 good shots at 890fps with the barracudas. It's pretty clear I can't so I am back on track to obtain my original goal of 20 shots at 30ftlbs. I've read it can be done so that's encouraging. I called in sick to work today with anal glaucoma because I just can't see my butt going into work today when I can be tuning my marauder. I ran out of air, so I'm on my way to get more. Here's what I have so far. With the hammer spring tension set at +3.5 and the striker set at +3 I got the following string 1-825; 2-813; 3-820; 4-816; 5-821; 6-820; 7-822; 8-802; 9-813; 10-813; 11-811; 12-809; 13-803; 14-802; 15-794; 16-787; 17-795; 18-785; 19-781; 20-782; 21-775; 22-774; 23-797; 24-765; 25-756; 26-758; 27-753; 28-751; 29-739; 30-738. It's definetly showing improvement.
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Re: First string after Staley mod

Postby Shorty » Fri Jan 02, 2015 9:41 am

30 shots with 18.13 JSB's with the 22 synrod and 10lb hammer is achievable.It looks like your settings are very similar to mine if you remove the Bstaley Oring mod and drill out the transfer port sleeve to .14". Drilling out that sleeve is really easy. Just put it in a vise with wood blocks (don't crush it) and slowly and carefully drill to .14" (9/64 drill bit). Then clean up the inside a little with some fine sandpaper. My 22synrod does not like the 18.13 jsb's and One holes the 21.14 barracudas.

This was my result with the setting below:
10 Lb hammer spring and .14" Transfer port sleeve.
Hammer Spring (1/4") setting 3
Hammer Thow (1/8") setting 1.86
VAC setting 4.1
Start Psi 3000
End Psi 2000

shot string

30 shots
Max fps 910
Min fps 873
ES 4.06%
Avg 31 FPE

I have one tune with the same mods as mentioned above using 21.14 barracudas
10 Lb hammer spring and .14" Transfer port sleeve.
Hammer Spring (1/4") setting 5
Hammer Thow (1/8") setting 0
VAC setting 5
Start Psi 3000
End Psi 2500

Shot string

10 shots
Max fps 905
Min fps 887
ES 1.9%
Avg 37.8 FPE

Good luck, it looks like your on the right path.
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Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2014 4:34 pm

Re: First string after Staley mod

Postby pgala » Fri Jan 02, 2015 11:26 am

shot string
31.02g Baracudas
1) 859
2) 869

EUNJIN 43.2g

I do not have a bottle rod but my mods are: air reservoir extension, opened up T-port to 3/16, 10# spring, gauge block that is opened up, and I opened up the factory valve port to 3/16 as well as shaving a lot of material off of the inside of the screw that holds the spring into the valve, opening up the hole as much as possible with it still able to hold the spring in place. I have a WAR valve, hammer, and 12# spring on the way and I can't wait to see what that will give me!

I have the Hawke ChairGun Moble app and according to that the Baracudas retain much more energy and velocity then the EUNJINs. After about 25 yards the EUNJINs drop off real bad where the Baracudas retain much more energy and the POI is much better. It's saying that at 75 yards the Baracudas still have 40.5 ft/e where the EUNJIN at that distance have 32.9 ft/e and POI at the same distance is; Baracudas -3.76in and EUNJIN -7.64in.

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Re: First string after Staley mod

Postby helimech81 » Sat Jan 03, 2015 11:00 am

So the shop I fill my tank at was closed until Monday. I had enough to fill to 2500psi and decided to see how accurate the barracudas were at this velocity. I have no idea what is going on, but I shot a 2 inch group at 20 yards. I guess my barrel doesn't like them after all. I have had excellent groups in the past, but not now. I put in my old trusty premiers and did as well as they ever have. I then tried JSB 18 grain. They didn't do well. I guess I'll just start over and tune it for the premiers because it's the only pellet that will shoot out of my barrel.
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Re: First string after Staley mod

Postby StefanMD » Sat Jan 03, 2015 1:30 pm

helimech81 wrote:So the shop I fill my tank at was closed until Monday. I had enough to fill to 2500psi and decided to see how accurate the barracudas were at this velocity. I have no idea what is going on, but I shot a 2 inch group at 20 yards. I guess my barrel doesn't like them after all. I have had excellent groups in the past, but not now. I put in my old trusty premiers and did as well as they ever have. I then tried JSB 18 grain. They didn't do well. I guess I'll just start over and tune it for the premiers because it's the only pellet that will shoot out of my barrel.

Maybe your barrel doesn't like that speed in combination with Barracudas?!
Mrod 0.177, BSA Deer Hunter 8-32x44, reg@1450 psi, 90 shots @15fpe SOLD
Mrod 0.22, NS Target Master FT IL 6-24x56, reg@1800 psi, 50 shots @24fpe SOLD
Weihrauch HW100 0.177, NS Nighteater MD 8-32x60, 120 shots @12fpe
SPA P12 0.22, still testing, 52fpe max
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Re: First string after Staley mod

Postby RayK » Sat Jan 03, 2015 2:05 pm

pgala wrote:EUNJIN 43.2g

...I have a WAR valve, hammer, and 12# spring on the way and I can't wait to see what that will give me!

Yesterday, I shot 43.2 grain Eun Jins out of my 25 with WAR valve, NB Hammer, 3D depinger, 12.5 # hammer spring and got 880 FPS with those heavy pellets. That's almost 75 FPE. Man they thump hard when they hit! I'm still working on tuning for a decent number of shots per fill - at least 8, but the Eun Jins are out of stock everywhere at the moment.

I got 98 FPE with the 17 pound spring maxed out, but that thing was way too hard to cock, so I went back to the 12 lb spring to see what kind of a string I can get.

Just think, we used to be delighted with 880 fps peak shot strings with 25.4 grain JSB Kings with stock parts.

25 W-rod | 08 shots @ 70 FPE -2% | 3100 fill
25 M-rod | 40 shots @ 35 FPE -4% | 3100 fill
22 M-rod | 51 shots @ 25 FPE -4% | 3100 fill
17 M-rod | 50 shots @ 19 FPE -4% | 2500 fill
25 P_rod | 16 shots @ 29 FPE -3% | 2100 fill
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