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Mac1 Marauder in new James Linthicum stock-hunts p. dogs

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 6:39 am
by VarmintAir

We had a great day today. On the road at 04:30. Pulled through the cattle ranch gate right at 05:45. I had hoped to get there and sight the Marauder in with close to zero wind. Didn't happen. When I got to the dog town and stepped out of my vehicle, it was already starting to blow. Nothing horrible, but still 3 to 5 miles an hour. It would get much worse.

I didn't wast any time getting my gear set up. The conditions don't improve with time. The question in a prairie dog town isn't, is it going to be windy, but just how windy will it be today.

I set up my shooting stand, got out the Marauder, put the Harris Bipod on her, dug out my rear bag and pellets, and put them on the stand. Next I put out my portable target holder at 55 yards. Loaded a mag with 18.1 grain JSB's, and started sighting her in.

I started shooting on a large 10 inch Shoot-N-C bull so I could easily spot the pellet impacts. She was shooting several inches high and right. I made several scope adjustments before I had her centered where I wanted. I moved up to a black dot and fired five for effect. They dropped into a half inch. I'm very pleased, but not surprised, considering she was stacking the same pellets at 20 yards indoors.

Next I put one of the Shoot-N-C prairie chuck targets out at 55 yards and dropped five shots onto it. I love these targets, instant feedback, and they do a very good job of replicating the size of a typical adult prairie dog. The five went into just a hair over a half inch.

Time to hunt. I ordered the new Marauder stock from James Linthicum a couple of months before I even had the gun. I knew the factory stock wouldn't work for me. I had purchased one of his Discovery stocks, and the transformation that it made in the balance and handling of that gun was truly amazing. I had started talking to James about a Marauder stock about three months ago. He said he was working on several different designs, and would send me some pictures of the rough patterns.

When I saw the one with the rollover cheek piece, I knew that was the one for me. It reminded me of my Anschutz model 54 sporter stocks, but with a better designed forend.

The order was placed, and only 8 weeks later I had my stock. Pretty fast for a custom handle. About a week before, my Marauder had also come in.

Once again, the stock has transformed the Marauder into a different handling gun. The balance is much better, the comb height works really well with my high mounted MTC Viper scope. The grip is closer to the trigger, and a palm swell makes for a very nice and comfortable touch.

I have bought a lot of custom stocks over the years, and I've always felt the money was very well spent. A good custom stock really personalizes a gun. This one fits me like a glove.

I got everything put away, and it was time to hunt. The first p. dog I saw was at a lasered 71 yards. I dropped him with a heart lung shot. It turned out to be the long shot of the day.

I had been hunting along for about twenty minutes when I spotted one right at 55 yards. That's my sight in distance. Not a good thing for the p. dog.

A little farther along, I saw a p. dog with just his head and shoulders showing over the edge of his mound at 61 yards. According to my wind meter, the wind had picked up to a steady 14 miles an hour, but It was directly at my back. I settled the crosshair on the top of his head and lightly touched the trigger. The pellet launched, I saw his head snap back, and a fraction of a second later, I heard that tell tale THWACK come across the prairie to me. That's the "sweet sound of success".

By this time I had been hunting for almost four hours, and it was getting even more windy, and uncomfortably hot. I headed for "Command Central" to get some Gatorade, have a sandwich, and just generally marvel at my Marauder. I've got some nice airguns to compare her to, and she's holding her own against them just fine thank you.

For me, with all of my guns, accuracy is where the rubber meets the road. I like shiny metal, and gorgeous walnut as much as the next guy, but if the gun isn't a tack driver, it's out of here.

The Marauder is a keeper. Nice trigger, smooth bolt operation, and as accurate as I can ask. The new stock is the frosting on the cake. It makes her a pleasure to hunt with. Nice balance, and she fits me like a glove. I think she and I will go prairie doggin' again next week.

Re: Mac1 Marauder in new James Linthicum stock-hunts p. dogs

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:13 am
by unirdna
Seriously, VarmintAir, if copying is the greatest form of flattery, you are going to be flattered by a lot of marksmen. That stock is plain gorgeous. Is it lighter than the original? It looks to be made of a bit less wood. I also see that your scope is moved very far forward (compared to my setups). Is that part of the stock design? I've never had the opportunity to go dog hunting (Wisconsin is my stomping grounds). I use my guns for hunting snowshoes primarily. Consequently, I shot from a standing postion usually. If I'm lucky, I get to rest against a tree. So, I don't get to get all "snuggly" with my gun - it's up and fire quickly. I think this is why I mount my scopes further back, and I am hoping that the standard Marauder stock compliments my style.

And Great Story! Please give us the details re: that 71 yard shot (windage/elevation/etc). I need to hear about that one!

I look forward to your continued posts.


Re: Mac1 Marauder in new James Linthicum stock-hunts p. dogs

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 2:31 pm
by VarmintAir
unirdna wrote:Seriously, VarmintAir, if copying is the greatest form of flattery, you are going to be flattered by a lot of marksmen. That stock is plain gorgeous. Is it lighter than the original? It looks to be made of a bit less wood. I also see that your scope is moved very far forward (compared to my setups). Is that part of the stock design? I've never had the opportunity to go dog hunting (Wisconsin is my stomping grounds). I use my guns for hunting snowshoes primarily. Consequently, I shot from a standing postion usually. If I'm lucky, I get to rest against a tree. So, I don't get to get all "snuggly" with my gun - it's up and fire quickly. I think this is why I mount my scopes further back, and I am hoping that the standard Marauder stock compliments my style.

And Great Story! Please give us the details re: that 71 yard shot (windage/elevation/etc). I need to hear about that one!

I look forward to your continued posts.


Thanks, James makes some very nice looking stocks. Because it's made of a very dense laminate, It actually weighs 8 ounces more than the factory stock, but because it is better proportioned and balanced, the gun actually feels lighter to me.

I just set my scopes in the rings for proper eye relief when I shoulder the gun. I shoot from a telescoping Stoney Point Bipod. Ground squirrels and prairie dogs will normally give you time to settle the gun onto the bipod. They are small targets, and when possible I prefer head shots, so shooting from a bipod really helps to hold steady on the small targets.

For the type of varmint hunting I do, mainly ground squirrels and prairie dogs, I have found that sighting in at 1/2 inch high at 55 yards to be perfect for the ranges that I typically get shots at. A 50 yard shot is a close shot on these critters. With the 55 yard sight-in that I use, I can hold on out to about 65 yards, and just a bit high for 70 yard shots.

I had the wind directly at my back, so holding off was not an issue on that shot. I just put a little daylight between the crosshair and the top of the dogs head, and the rest is history.

I have a bunch of video clips of long range shots on prairie dogs and ground squirrels posted on YouTube. You might enjoy watching some of those. Just do a search for VarmintAir and they should pop up.

Re: Mac1 Marauder in new James Linthicum stock-hunts p. dogs

PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 9:32 am
by rbolton6
How did you contact James about the custom stock.
I found an old e-mail address for him and sent him an e-mail, but never got a reply.

I ended up customizing my own stock

Re: Mac1 Marauder in new James Linthicum stock-hunts p. dogs

PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 9:16 am
by justin1
I like that hunting weapon, but i don't hunt dogs or even deer.