by sacshooter on Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:28 pm
Sorry, been a busy day. I think you need to stake the milk crate in place for a few days so the rats get used to it. I have learned that they sort of build a mental map of paths in their head, and they like to follow walls and stuff. That is why you place rat traps next to walls.
So I fear that if you suddenly introduce something that doesn’t match the mental map, they will be Leary of it or even avoid it for a few days. So if they dart in to get food then dart out, it may take a few days for them to get used to and comfortable with the new furniture. They may not even go in to the crate right away because it may take them a few days to find the new food source.
Along with a crate you could try my favorite Idea (I haven’t tested it on rats, but it has worked on squirrels) First thing when you get there find a wall the rats fallow and take a salting cracker with peanut butter on one side and smash it into the wall about 5 inches off the ground. I bet they will run along the wall then smell the peanut butter . Back track to locate it then stand up nicely for you to take the shot.
The big trick is to smash the cracker into the backstop so the animal can’t just tear the whole cracker of and run away with it.
Good Luck
Sacshooter aka Site Admin