More Chucks fall to the Kodiak spitting MR. Mrod

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More Chucks fall to the Kodiak spitting MR. Mrod

Postby Lyle on Tue Jun 15, 2010 9:15 am

I rushed out to the LLahma farm after work this morning and did a sweep of the area. Chuck #1,bottom one on the photo,appeared at the old silo auger where I got the other two on Saturday. I quickly dispached him with a 35 yard shot. I patroled the farm for about another hour stopping at each spot that I had recently spied whistle pigs. To my surprise not even one more could be found. I stalked through the old free stall barn to the end dispatching a handfull of sparrows and one ugly starling. I reached the end and scoped out the soybean field and eureka!!!! A Ground hog on the other side of the field. No cover to make a stalk so I oppted to let this one for another day when I had more time. I sulked back to the main barn and climed the ladder to the hay loft to see If there were any Pigeons and sure enough, I ordered MR. Mrod to open fire and two Pigeons lay dead on the floor. I collected my prey and headed for the car."Just one more round before I leave" I said to myself. I walked to the free stall barn one more time and to the other end and MR. Chuck Wood, If he could chuck wood that is, was still munching on the soybean plants. I looked at my watch and just couldnt make the time for a stalk. Down hearted and cursing having to work this evening I turned and shuffled back to the other end of the Freestall barn. When I got outside I looked to my left a Holy S--t there on top of a five foot cedar fence post was a chuck. I dialed the AO to 40 yards put the mildot crosshair on its eye and squeezed the trigger. Down he fell. I waited a few seconds and then approched my trophy through the tall grass. As I almost reached the expired grounghog I noticed two more peaking up from a pile of logs to see what happened to Charles. I quickly dialed the AO down to less than 10 yards and popped another one Mafia style in the back of the head. It lunged out of the hole ,spun around about four times and fell back in the hole covering the ground with blood. I quickly climbed atop a barn cleaner converor to get a better view of the area when there was the other one pearing at me from a hole by some pallets. I put the crosshairs on it and just as I was about to squeeze off the shot my nemisis cell phone starts to ring. The chuck ducks out of site and I see that my Lovely Wife is calling.:Better get home and get some sleep:She says. "Ok honey,be right home" :( .

Posts: 44
Joined: Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:28 pm

Re: More Chucks fall to the Kodiak spitting MR. Mrod

Postby wahoowad on Tue Jun 15, 2010 10:55 am

Good report!
Posts: 54
Joined: Tue May 04, 2010 1:15 pm
Location: Virginia

Re: More Chucks fall to the Kodiak spitting MR. Mrod

Postby SHANEDOG on Tue Jun 15, 2010 6:08 pm

Great job on those chucks!!! :lol:
Posts: 11
Joined: Wed May 12, 2010 7:32 am

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