Raptor Compressor

Benjamin Marauder Troubleshooting
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Raptor Compressor

Postby Crusher75060 » Thu Nov 27, 2014 8:57 am

Anyone besides me making the leap and buying a Raptor compressor? I ordered mine and they are telling me Dec 15th before I have it since they are out of stock. If there is anyone else out there that has one already and has any info about it, I'd like to hear.

Also as I get and use mine, I'll report my findings. So far I'm hearing a lot of good stuff about it. Even though it is a Chinese made part, I hear it is very well made and only need maintenance after 3500 hours. Yeah, that is not a type-o. Just a few drops of oil and you are back on track. We'll see if it lives up to the reputation it is gaining.

So let's hear what you have found.

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Re: Raptor Compressor

Postby caniborrowsomeammo » Thu Nov 27, 2014 9:59 am

Raptor, Alpha 90 I believe is the same compressor. Raptor is just dressed up fancy sheet metal.
I have the A90 from Joe B. Bought the Shark tank deal.
So far, great little machine.
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Re: Raptor Compressor

Postby Crusher75060 » Thu Nov 27, 2014 10:07 am

caniborrowsomeammo wrote:Raptor, Alpha 90 I believe is the same compressor. Raptor is just dressed up fancy sheet metal.
I have the A90 from Joe B. Bought the Shark tank deal.
So far, great little machine.

Did you buy the external dryer too? Just wondering if you feel like it needs the dryer. They claim the Raptor doesn't need it.

And unless I'm am totally off base here, the Alpha 90 and the Raptor have different fill rates. Joe is offering the new Alpha 270 in a few weeks, which is the one I think is equivalent in fill rate to the Raptor. His ad says the 270 is "3x faster" than the 90.

"The secret to being remembered, is to first live a life worth remembering." Bruce Lee

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Re: Raptor Compressor

Postby Crusher75060 » Thu Nov 27, 2014 10:48 am

I just messaged Joe B to find out if I am correct on that last post. I'd much rather buy from Joe but I DO want to make sure I'm comparing apples to apples. Since Airguns of Arizona is saying they won't have them (Raptor) in stock until Dec 15th, I have a little time to make sure my previous research is accurate before I make the deal. I can still call and cancel the AOA order if I find that the Alpha270 is the same deal without the fancy box.

Any other input? Anyone?

"The secret to being remembered, is to first live a life worth remembering." Bruce Lee

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Re: Raptor Compressor

Postby caniborrowsomeammo » Thu Nov 27, 2014 11:15 am

No, didn't buy the external dryer.
My info was what I gathered off GTA comparing the two.
Joe claimed with the drier in not so many words "breathing quality" but only an assumption to CYA. And I hold nothing against that.
WHEN I pull one of the Rods apart I'll see how much moisture is in the P tube.
Fills the 71 CF tank from 3000 to 4600 in around 25-30 min max. Not bad for a $1500 machine used once a month, I'm happy with that.
When you get up around ($1895) $2000+ you may as well get a used rebuilt Bauer (last heard $2500-2600), that's just my humble opinion.
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Re: Raptor Compressor

Postby Crusher75060 » Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:50 am

Looks like I'm waiting for the Alpha 270 to come in. After some research I find that has so really good design qualities and it is faster than the Raptor. The good news is that it is the same price. So I'll let everyone know when it shows up and give a little report on the performance as I see it.

"The secret to being remembered, is to first live a life worth remembering." Bruce Lee

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Re: Raptor Compressor

Postby iride » Sun Dec 14, 2014 4:02 pm

Heard anything more on the Alpha 270?
I was wanting a Omega ,But I ran across this,
Its going to be Feb, or March before I can get one, Are they 110 volt or 220??
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Re: Raptor Compressor

Postby Crusher75060 » Sun Dec 14, 2014 9:34 pm

iride wrote:Crusher
Heard anything more on the Alpha 270?
I was wanting a Omega ,But I ran across this,
Its going to be Feb, or March before I can get one, Are they 110 volt or 220??

I think they are available in both voltages. From what I know so far, they have shipped and will be in about mid January.

"The secret to being remembered, is to first live a life worth remembering." Bruce Lee

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