Crosman POOR Quality Control

Benjamin Marauder Troubleshooting
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Crosman POOR Quality Control

Postby Point Doc on Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:43 pm

I finally got around to disassembling my MRod and what did I discover, a tooling gouge on my lower tube!!

I hope when I call Crosman tomorrow they will take care of this...

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Re: Crosman POOR Quality Control

Postby jlands on Wed Jan 26, 2011 5:40 am

when you call, be careful of how you word your complaint. it's like if i take my tv apart and say, "hey, what a shotty job, there's a paperclip floating around in here".

if it would have shorted, it would be replaced when "they" open it. but now all i did was void my warranty.

just saying.

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Re: Crosman POOR Quality Control

Postby Supercharged86 on Wed Jan 26, 2011 7:02 am

Hey John, I think Jared makes a valid point here, you don't want to open up a "Can of Worms", so to speak. I understand your feelings about the QC, however, from a manufacturing stand point they obviously have to draw the line somewhere, especially when it comes to a non-functioning cosmetically unseen part, otherwise we would be paying a lot more for the product. If this somehow directly effected the function and accuracy of the rifle then I would say it may be worth pursuing. Sorry John, I'm with Jared on this, save your warranty for something that may be more worthwhile down the road. Cheers. Steve
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Re: Crosman POOR Quality Control

Postby Point Doc on Wed Jan 26, 2011 8:34 am

I was in manufacturing; I did an apprenticeship as a Tool Maker and then worked as a Journeyman Tool Maker in the Aerospace industry. This one was passed on to the customer!! Half of the material is gone from the wall thickness.

edit: Fortunately for me, I just called and the replacement is on the way!! There Customer Support shines thru on this one!
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Re: Crosman POOR Quality Control

Postby Supercharged86 on Wed Jan 26, 2011 8:50 am

Point Doc wrote:I was in manufacturing; I did an apprenticeship as a Tool Maker and then worked as a Journeyman Tool Maker in the Aerospace industry. This one was passed on to the customer!! Half of the material is gone from the wall thickness.

Well John I don't know what to tell you, I'm certainly not going to argue with you about how Crosman should conduct their business. But with that be said, the average Mrod doesn't get taken apart by the end user and since you didn't have any issues with it before hand how would justify it being an issue now. Not to mention the warranty thing.... I understand your a little disappointed with it but.....Just playing devils advocate here. Trust me I'm certainly NOT siding with Crosman!!! Steve
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Re: Crosman POOR Quality Control

Postby Point Doc on Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:12 am


It's one of the problems I continually see in America; rather in manufacturing, custodial work etc, people do not take ownership of their work and this was another example.

One of the best definitions of integrity that I have heard goes like this, “Integrity is doing right when no one is watching”. The worker and QC sent this one off to the customer and it’s not a cosmetic thing. Somewhere down the road this might become an issue that Crosman may not have taken care of.

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Re: Crosman POOR Quality Control

Postby jlands on Wed Jan 26, 2011 6:02 pm

glad it went good for you. this is a testament to how an American company treats its customers and why i chose the marauder over an fx, evanix or air arms.
but surely you understand the point i was making. crosman would fully be within there legal right to deny a claim such as yours. you obviously have a technical backgound , so working on parts as simple as this is easy for you. but from a company stand point, they have no idea what kind of background you have.

again, what this really says is how great a company crosman is. i am glad i purchased from them.

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Re: Crosman POOR Quality Control

Postby Point Doc on Wed Jan 26, 2011 7:33 pm

I find it absolutely amazing that the title states "Crosman Poor Quality Control" and posters start speaking of legal rights! Did someone miss the heading?

This is classic of discussions that people get involved with and make it personal. The point is of "quality" and being responsible. Stop trying to shift topics and get into a hypothetical legal "what if" discussion.

The part was damaged at and by Crosman period! They took ownership of it and replaced the part. Also, they have requested a pic of the part so that they can rectify the problem to prevent this in the future

I am glad that I choose to go with an American company that fully supports its customers and stands behind their product.

Crosman is not perfect, but what they are is accountable. With this, I believe they will always produce a top-quality product.

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Re: Crosman POOR Quality Control

Postby jlands on Wed Jan 26, 2011 8:05 pm

Point Doc wrote:This is classic of discussions that people get involved with and make it personal. The point is of "quality" and being responsible. Stop trying to shift topics and get into a hypothetical legal "what if" discussion.


alright you win, crosman has poor quality control. my post was meant to help you, not start a war. you paid your money for your rifle, do what you want with it. hell, my rifle might have the same problem. but it is my rifle and i will not be taking it apart. i didn't buy a diy rifle kit, i bought a rifle. if it doesn't do what it is suppose to do, i will send it back to the manufacture and let them deal with it. i want to shoot varmints not be a rifle mechanic. I find it absolutely amazing that people go crazy when people don't agree with them. i see no need for your negativity. you have your rifle in pieces waiting on a part, my rifle is charged to 2800 psi waiting on a critter. we both have have our personal property doing exactly what we want it to do.


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Re: Crosman POOR Quality Control

Postby sacshooter on Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:28 pm

It could happen with expensive rifles too.

My S410 stopped grouping as well as it used to. Here is the link with pictures showing how it shot when I first got it ... light=s410

So fast forward to now, I've ran (guessing 6,500+ pellets ) through it easily. Now the last few times I shot it on paper 1" groups at 50 yards (this gun can do better).

Tonight I drug it over to the Masked Marauder shop for a quick barrel removal, clean and o-ring replacement if needed. I've removed the shroud in the past and replaced one of the shroud o-rings, but I've never removed the barrel. So we carefully slide the barrel out only to find the "barrel to breach block o-ring is missing" So what WTF happened to the o-ring? I bought the gun new!

Crazy, but even if the o-ring was missing from the start the gun still shot well you can tell that from the link above. I guess my gun was assembled on a Friday :oops:

hopefully after the deep cleaning and new o-rings in the breech block and barrel, accuracy will be back to normal.


P.S. Sorry to off topic with the air arms on the marauder forum, but I just wanted to show it can happen on $960 airguns that are made in England to.
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