Benjamin Hand Pump = Shame on Crosman

Benjamin Marauder Troubleshooting
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Benjamin Hand Pump = Shame on Crosman

Postby zae333 on Sat Jul 31, 2010 4:46 pm

My Benjamin Hand Pump went out recently with the same issue as many others on this board and boards all over the net have. After about 10 pumps you can no longer pull the handle up. Well, things break and wear out for sure but let's just quit pussyfooting around the issue here: Benjamin Hand Pumps SUCK!!! Man, I wish I would have known before I sunk nearly 200 bucks into this thing that it would be such a frustration and a hassle! I have had it only four months and it breaks. I can't return it to PyramydAir: past the 30 day limit. I call Crosman who give me a number to Sun Optics in Texas. I call Sun Optics who tell me to send them the pump and they will fix it. That is not really the option I was looking for so I opt for them to send me the "Seal Kit" and repair instructions. That was nearly 20 days ago! I am trying to give them the benefit of the doubt that they sent it. I guess I will call them back Monday and see if my seal kit was ever mailed.

You see, the point I want to make here is this: I can go to the Hill Pump's website and there it lists the o-ring sizes and has a full .pdf breakdown of the pump and all the internals. I can go to FX's website and they have a full breakdown of their pumps with parts lists. Even Airforce pumps and Air Venturi pumps have a parts list with a breakdown drawing included with the manual. Why is the breakdown and o-ring sizes such a closely guarded secret with the Benjamin Pump? Even those who have asked on this very board have not been told or people claim to have lost their information. I have been searching for over a month for a breakdown of the Benjamin Hand Pump and nothing. Emailed Crosman for the info: Nothing. THIS IS SILLY AND RIDICULOUS! Why won't Sun Optics just publish this information? Why won't Crosman just release this information on their website and own up to the fact that they are selling an inferior quality pump? I honestly feel cheated by Crosman on the pump and will be emailing them to disclose my strong displeasure, depending on what Sun Optics have to say for themselves Monday.

If anyone knows a DIRECT LINK to a website with a breakdown of the Benjamin Hand pump then please post it for me. Don't refer me to posts already on this board because they are completely and utterly useless for fixing the pump or even dismantling it. The Marauder is an awesome rifle and I wouldn't trade it for any other airgun. But I am fed up with watching a $600+ investment gather dust in the corner. And no, a scuba tank is not an option for me, if it was, I would not have bought the pump in the first place. (I know someone is going to say it.) Sorry for venting, but I am just about ready to drive up to Crosman HQ and slam this piece of crap pump right through their window.
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Re: Benjamin Hand Pump = Shame on Crosman

Postby stewy63 on Sat Jul 31, 2010 6:17 pm

Here is a link to a pictorial breakdown. It doesn’t have part numbers but I think it’s a better guide than an exploded view.

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Re: Benjamin Hand Pump = Shame on Crosman

Postby joeyt on Sat Jul 31, 2010 6:51 pm

ok, ok... I know you said a tank isn't an option for you, but you can get a used scba tank including fill attachment from for as little as $326. once you try it you'll never want to waste time with a hand pump again. you should see if crosman will give you a new one. then ebay it and go for the used scba...

crosman should stop selling these things until they have the problem fixed. it seems a pump that lasts any significant period of time is the exception to the rule.
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Re: Benjamin Hand Pump = Shame on Crosman

Postby zae333 on Sun Aug 01, 2010 9:09 am

@Brian - Very much appreciated for the link. These pictures are indeed much better than an exploded view.

@Joeyt - Thanks for the link and the advice. The nearest place for me to fill a suba tank is about 50 miles one way from my home. So I am looking at what would be at least a 100 mile round trip just to get the tank filled. But that would be less frustrating than dealing with a faulty hand pump it seems. Looks like if I want a reliable way to fill up I may need to start entertaining the idea of making that road trip.
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Re: Benjamin Hand Pump = Shame on Crosman

Postby zae333 on Sun Aug 01, 2010 2:30 pm

Just so you guys know I followed the pictures posted in the link above and found the faulty O-ring. It is highlighted in the picture below. I went to Lowes and bought a box of 10, #60 O-rings for $1.97. Replaced the faulty one and now the pump is working like new! Just filled my gun for the first time in over a month to 3000 psi! I would like to personally thank Brian for the link to the breakdown. NOW, time to go punch some paper down-range! Thanks again guys.

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Re: Benjamin Hand Pump = Shame on Crosman

Postby joeyt on Sun Aug 01, 2010 3:53 pm

congratulations! I hope it lasts longer for you this time!
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Re: Benjamin Hand Pump = Shame on Crosman

Postby stewy63 on Sun Aug 01, 2010 4:50 pm


Your welcome.
Nice work getting it fixed.

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Re: Benjamin Hand Pump = Shame on Crosman

Postby DaveShooter on Sun Aug 01, 2010 5:46 pm

zae333 wrote:My Benjamin Hand Pump went out recently with the same issue as many others on this board and boards all over the net have. After about 10 pumps you can no longer pull the handle up. Well, things break and wear out for sure but let's just quit pussyfooting around the issue here: Benjamin Hand Pumps SUCK!!! Man, I wish I would have known before I sunk nearly 200 bucks into this thing that it would be such a frustration and a hassle! I have had it only four months and it breaks. I can't return it to PyramydAir: past the 30 day limit. I call Crosman who give me a number to Sun Optics in Texas. I call Sun Optics who tell me to send them the pump and they will fix it. That is not really the option I was looking for so I opt for them to send me the "Seal Kit" and repair instructions. That was nearly 20 days ago! I am trying to give them the benefit of the doubt that they sent it. I guess I will call them back Monday and see if my seal kit was ever mailed.

You see, the point I want to make here is this: I can go to the Hill Pump's website and there it lists the o-ring sizes and has a full .pdf breakdown of the pump and all the internals. I can go to FX's website and they have a full breakdown of their pumps with parts lists. Even Airforce pumps and Air Venturi pumps have a parts list with a breakdown drawing included with the manual. Why is the breakdown and o-ring sizes such a closely guarded secret with the Benjamin Pump? Even those who have asked on this very board have not been told or people claim to have lost their information. I have been searching for over a month for a breakdown of the Benjamin Hand Pump and nothing. Emailed Crosman for the info: Nothing. THIS IS SILLY AND RIDICULOUS! Why won't Sun Optics just publish this information? Why won't Crosman just release this information on their website and own up to the fact that they are selling an inferior quality pump? I honestly feel cheated by Crosman on the pump and will be emailing them to disclose my strong displeasure, depending on what Sun Optics have to say for themselves Monday.

If anyone knows a DIRECT LINK to a website with a breakdown of the Benjamin Hand pump then please post it for me. Don't refer me to posts already on this board because they are completely and utterly useless for fixing the pump or even dismantling it. The Marauder is an awesome rifle and I wouldn't trade it for any other airgun. But I am fed up with watching a $600+ investment gather dust in the corner. And no, a scuba tank is not an option for me, if it was, I would not have bought the pump in the first place. (I know someone is going to say it.) Sorry for venting, but I am just about ready to drive up to Crosman HQ and slam this piece of crap pump right through their window.
I know how ya feel it took me a couple times with Sun Optic's but Duane Sorsen @ Sun came through for me it just took some time. The Spanish parts or pic's helped me alot in doing a rebuild on mine . Duane sent me o-rings and the spring that is in or near the base of the pump. These really are a good pump , they can work on ones nerves sometimes. Sorry I didn't see the post where ya was needing the picture break down.I do know that Sun is working or making a mini type compressor to fill the Mrods and Disco up. Their is also another small compressor called the Shoe Box that some guys already have been lucky to get their is a waiting list on those. One thing I did was get me a nice used scuba- tank with a fill yoke as a back up for my PcP guns. You said you were 50 miles from a scuba shop you might want to check with your local firehouse and see if they could do fills on a tank for ya as an option. I understand from talking with Duane at Sun that Crosman Mini compressor won't be unvieled til the next shot show which won't be til this coming Jan I think that is when that is. Please do not hold me to that one on that date etc.Hey if you do decide to throw that pump through Crosman window let me know I could use a good laugh. I too have vented at them in the past but they always come through for even if they have me labled as a Problem Customer. At least that is what Cameron Simmons once almost refered to me by that name. My My My and I have bought 5- Centerpoint Scopes and 5 of their Pcp rifles to boot not to mention a scuba yoke and pellets. God love'em anyway. I guess Crosman forgets we the customer helps keep their DOORS Open by buying their products. We are the quality contol of the products being bought and used in this day and age. You thot you was venting. Ha Ha At least I can laugh it off.Hang in their man!!! :D :D :D
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Re: Benjamin Hand Pump = Shame on Crosman

Postby Benzin on Tue Aug 10, 2010 12:55 pm

Hi guys, this is my first post here (just got my first marauder! :) )

zae333, youre absolutely right shame on crossman! for selling these pieces of junk as pumps. I can say with all certainty that they are in fact JUNK, because not only do i have one (an airforce one), but ibe had the chance to fix several of them for friends.
Just like zae333 said, The Airforce, Benjamin and Air Ventury pumps are exactly the same pump, they only put a diferent sticker with the brand on them and of course put the proper adapter for the brand of rifles, but they are exactly alike.
The other thing they have in common is that they are all (again) junk. Very low quality materials, poor finishes on the internal parts, and some design flaw that makes them collect unusual ammounts of black goo and water, even if used in a clean enviroment, i say "unusual ammounts" because i also had a Hill pump (wich i regret selling), and it dint accumulate nearly as much crap as these ones do.

My advice is to stay away from these pumps, but if you (like me and many others) were unfortunate enough to allready buy one, then you can fix it with relative ease, just as the previous posts describe. But keep in mind, that even if you do fix them, they will most likely brake again somewhere in the near future and you will have to fix it again. :(
Ibe seen 2 common problems with this pumps...

1.- As described in this thread, the # 1 problem with this pumps is when you cant pull the stud up, and thats fixed by replacing the 3rd stage oring described before.

2.- The second problem ibe seen is when the pump stud wont wo down, you press it down, and it pops right back up, when this happens you need to check the oring on the check valve, and the spring behind it, they are located at the very bottom of the pump. The oring is an easy fix, and it is the same size as the one in the 3rd stage i mentioned before, but the spring might give you a little trouble to find a replacement.

Heres a couple of pictures of an Airforce pump taken apart.

These are the orings that allways go bad, if you take it apart to replace one of them, replace them both while youre at it (they are the same size)
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Re: Benjamin Hand Pump = Shame on Crosman

Postby zae333 on Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:26 am

Hey Benzin,

If that label on the pump did not say "Airforce" I would have sworn that was a Benjamin pump. Exact same internals as my Benjamin pump (and apparently the same shoddy build quality). Mine is still working fine since the repair but a visible inspection of the orings you mentioned showed that they are already starting to wear and will most likely need to be replaced in the coming weeks. Also, my Benjamin pump collects and amazing amount of moisture inside of it. I can bleed the pressure from the hose after pumping and see the water blow out but when it is taken apart, it is covered with beads of water all over the place. I thought these things have an internal moisture trap.

Thanks for the info about the AirForce pumps though, I have been looking for a replacement for my Benjamin Handpump and Airforce was on the list. (Not anymore though) Thanks for the heads up.
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