Benjamin Hand Pump = Shame on Crosman

Benjamin Marauder Troubleshooting
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Re: Benjamin Hand Pump = Shame on Crosman

Postby Benzin on Wed Aug 11, 2010 2:36 pm


im glad to hear yours is still working fine after the repair, i have not been so lucky. In fact, since i took those pictures in 2009, ibe allready had to fix it several times, and its allways the same 2 orings that get messed up, the 3rd stage, and the check valve ones.
A friend of mine has another one of these pumps (only benjamin, not airforce) and we have also had to fix it several times :(

im guessin the reason these 2 pumps are breaking down sooner that yours, could be the quality / type of orings ibe used as replacements. i used viton orings on them, what type/brand of orings did you use on yours?

and btw, if youre looking to buy another pump, i advice you to consider getin a Hill Pump. Yes they are a litte more expensive, but they have EXCELLENT quality. I had one for about 2 years (before i got the POS airforce pump), i used it A LOT, sometimes i even abused it a little, and it never gave me any problems. I cant tell you how much i regret selling it.
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Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:39 pm

Re: Benjamin Hand Pump = Shame on Crosman

Postby zae333 on Wed Aug 11, 2010 9:03 pm

Actually, the orings I got from Lowes turned out to be just a tiny bit undersized and blew out on me after about 10 refills. The ones that came with the oring kit from Sun Optics were installed and I have about 10 fills at 3000 psi and when I inspected it the other day I noticed some wear on these orings already. Maybe there are higher quality orings that can be used or a better lubricant. Have any idea? Either way, I will definitely be looking into getting a Hill Pump. It is worth the money, in my opinion, to have a top quality product that won't breakdown on me every 30 days.
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Re: Benjamin Hand Pump = Shame on Crosman

Postby Benzin on Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:43 pm

You know, im shure the quality of the orings used to fix it is important, but i also think that the reason this pumps break down again and again after repair, has more to do with the poor quality on the finish of the internal metal parts. My guess is that the metal tubes inside the pump are not properly finished at the factory, their surfaces are "coarse" and uneven, and so they "sand / grind" the orings during operation.
The reason i suspect this, is because i used high quality viton orings (not standard rubber ones), and even those dont last long.
I havent taken a hill pump apart, but i bet that if i would, i would see the metal parts inside it have mirror like finishes, instead of the coarse, rusty and un-even parts we find inside these pumps.

The bottom line is imho, that there simply isnt a way to repair this POS pumps in a way they will last long. No matter if we use the finest orings known to man, they will allways break down again soon, because the crappy metal parts inside it will deteriorate the orings quikly.
So there are only to ways to deal with them:
A) Live with it, and repair it every time it breaks (quite often), following the proceedure described earlier
B) Follow this proceedure (only one that guarantees we will never have to repair it again)
1.- (optional) Put the pump in its box
2.- Go to your nearest trash can
3.- (if required) take off the cover in the trash can
4.- Put the pump inside the can
5.- Replace the trash can cover
6.- Walk away from trash can, and get a decent pump.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:39 pm

Re: Benjamin Hand Pump = Shame on Crosman

Postby zae333 on Sat Aug 14, 2010 4:44 am

Benzin wrote:So there are only to ways to deal with them:
A) Live with it, and repair it every time it breaks (quite often), following the proceedure described earlier
B) Follow this proceedure (only one that guarantees we will never have to repair it again)
1.- (optional) Put the pump in its box
2.- Go to your nearest trash can
3.- (if required) take off the cover in the trash can
4.- Put the pump inside the can
5.- Replace the trash can cover
6.- Walk away from trash can, and get a decent pump.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: @ Option B....nice, easy to follow step-by-step instructions, eh...LOL.
Posts: 11
Joined: Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:18 am


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