War valve dumped all my air.

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Re: War valve dumped all my air.

Postby SHOOTINIT » Wed Feb 04, 2015 4:41 am

99% of the time it's the shooter, not the gun.

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Re: War valve dumped all my air.

Postby Bullfrog » Wed Feb 04, 2015 7:52 am

RayK wrote:A buddy and I were discussing the aluminum valve. He reminded me that most of crosman valves are made from aluminum and not anodized or coated with anything - just look at the Marauder valves in 177 and 22 caliber gun. The 25 M-rod valve is anodized gold, but I bet that is just to help the workers keep them straight. I think the valve caps are all anodized too.

I'm no longer concerned about the valve not being anodized. I've never seen any corrosion on the valves in any PCP let alone any other internal parts. When we hear about corrosion it is from hand-pumping and it is usually around the fill assembly or gauge block - probably because the moisture tends to pool between those two parts. Even in guns with moisture in the air tube, the air flows through the valve so fast, it should blow out any moisture that makes it into the valve.


My .25 runs a modded .177/.22, non anodized valve and I've never had a problem with corrosion either. Also, I'm in Florida where humidity is above 90% for most of the year and I hand pump. Most mornings and evenings in the field my gun blasts blue vapor when it shoots. Yet never had a problem with internal corrosion. Now the surface of the gun is another story...

My valve will dump air when its shot below 1000psi but that's because it doesn't utilize a valve return spring. Only the PSIs of the air tank pushes my valve shut during each shot. When there's not enough PSIs pushing back the valve will kick open and all the air will blow out. Not a big deal practically as I never shoot below 1800psi. It will give you a jump though when depressurizing the gun by shooting it.
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Re: War valve dumped all my air.

Postby caniborrowsomeammo » Wed Feb 04, 2015 10:10 pm

Looking forward to watching the video Travis, Thanks. :geek:
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Re: War valve dumped all my air.

Postby oldpro » Tue Feb 10, 2015 10:35 pm

Its posted on my website under instructions
For WAR products, please visit my vendor shop on the Marauder Forum http://www.marauderairrifle.com/shops/w ... ir-rifles/
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