Survey please help Fills shots and refill at pressure.

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Re: Survey please help Fills shots and refill at pressure.

Postby ezman604 » Wed Feb 06, 2013 12:11 pm

Post tuning numbers:

1. Marauder
2. .25
3. Fill Pressure 2800 psi
4. 24 GOOD power shots
5. Ending pressure 1800 psi

Using H&N 28.40gr ammo first shot 839fps for 44.4fpe.
Power peaked at shot #11 at 896fps for 50.64fpe.
Shot #24 registered 830fps for 43.45fpe.
Ending pressure 1800psi.
Sweet spot around 2400psi.

SAFE & Happy Shooting!!!!

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Re: Survey please help Fills shots and refill at pressure.

Postby rks1949 » Fri Feb 22, 2013 2:19 am

.177 Marauder Fill 3000 psi First shot,875.8fps. Last shot, 893.2 fps. Total shots 40 (sweet spot) between 2800 psi,and 2400 psi. (28 shots) Ending pressure 2200 psi. The peak of the shot curve is at shot # 23=915.9 fps. Over the 40 shot string, the Low Velocity is 875.8 fps. The High Velocity is 915.9 fps the Average Velocity is 895.9 fps. the Extreem Spread is 17.2 fps. and the Standard Devation is 5.6 fps.
Old,Slow,and in the Way!
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Re: Survey please help Fills shots and refill at pressure.

Postby joshncarol » Fri Feb 22, 2013 10:52 am

1. Marauder
2. .25
3. Fill Pressure 3200 psi
4. 12 Good shots (25.4 gr average 870.99 fps / 42.7979 fpe / SD of 3.729894249 / ES 12.9)
5. 2500 psi ending pressure. I record psi after every four shot taken.
Zero MOD / A-Team tune [TS 5 CCW / HT 1/8"full out (full CCW) HS 2 1/4" CCW from full CW. Thanks RayK for your help.]


Benjamin Titan NP .177 (Illinois edition)
M-rod .25
Benjamin 90 ci Tank
Walther NightHawk .177
Crosman 160 .22 (Rebuild Complete)
Crosman 760 Pumpmaster .177
Crosman 2240
Crosman (2289G) Doomsday Bug Out Air Rifle Kit
P-Rod (Paul Tuned)

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Re: Survey please help Fills shots and refill at pressure.

Postby Technohead » Mon Mar 04, 2013 6:59 am

I am new to this game. Just got my 22 cal Saturday and mounted up scope & went to range.
Shot 14.3 CM at 25 yds after siting in and got between .5 and 0.75 inch groups-very happy compared to my Gamo Whisper.
Then shot at 50 tads and not so happy, got 1.5 inch groups then tried HN 21.3 gr domed at 50 yds and they were worse and then tried them at 25 yds and they were as expected no good.

This is all with the gun as received from PR. BTY these guys as you know are great my gun cam in 3 days.

I do need some help however. Paperwork in box said gun was set at fill pressure of 2500, does that mean that is the pressure I should actually fill giun to.

I was filling it from scuba tank to 2900 to 3000 and noticed that first 5 shots or so were not very accurate however once the pressure dropped to around 2700 groups were really good down to 2000.

No sure if I should try tuning gun or just shoot it. I feel the gun can probqbly do better.

BTY there was some mild intermitten cross winds which you could see deflect the shots when it was blowing.
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Re: Survey please help Fills shots and refill at pressure.

Postby Technohead » Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:03 am

Does nayone have any tune info for the 22 cal?
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Re: Survey please help Fills shots and refill at pressure.

Postby tuonogr » Sat Apr 13, 2013 11:51 pm

Re: Survey please help Fills shots and refill at pressure.

1. Marauder
2. .22
3. Fill Pressure 3000 psi
4. 30 shots JSB Heavy average 883 fps
5. 2100 psi ending pressure
i put only the HDD
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Re: Survey please help Fills shots and refill at pressure.

Postby tuonogr » Sun Apr 14, 2013 12:11 am

1. Marauder
2. .22
3. Fill Pressure 3000 psi
4. 30 shots JSB EXACT HEAVY average 882 max894 min858 36
5. 2100 psi ending pressure.
i put the HDD only in the gun
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Re: Survey please help Fills shots and refill at pressure.

Postby Technohead » Wed May 22, 2013 6:46 am

What kind of accuracy should I be able to get out of 22 cal Maurader?
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Re: Survey please help Fills shots and refill at pressure.

Postby EJB » Wed May 22, 2013 7:31 am

.177 cal.
Fill to 2600
40 shots
refill at 1800
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Re: Survey please help Fills shots and refill at pressure.

Postby Colton127 » Mon Jun 10, 2013 12:21 pm

Lammy1000 wrote:After thousands of rounds and trying different tunes, I always come back to this very efficient one. My rifle is in .177.

2200 - 1800 psi fill

Bell curve: 880fps - 905fps

10.5gr Crosman Premier

Hammer Spring Tension is 2 turns cw (from fully ccw)
Stroke is 10 turns cw (from fully ccw)
Transfer port restrictor screw is 2.3 turns ccw (from fully cw)
30 shots with a 25fps extreme spread.

5 shot groups at 55 yards average 0.65"

Utilizing a low fill pressure and corresponding low hammer energy makes this gun feel smooth when firing and reduces trips to the dive shop.

I changed my adjustments to match yours, and are very happy with the results.
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