Lazy Gun

Lazy Gun

Postby RichD » Sat Aug 02, 2014 6:17 pm

Lazy Gun

Today I swung my front door wide open and placed my Remington 30.06 right in my doorway.
I left 6 shells beside it, then left it alone and went about my business.

While I was gone, the mailman delivered my mail, the neighbor boy across the street mowed the
yard, a girl walked her dog down the street, and quite a few cars stopped at the stop sign near the
front of our house.

After about an hour, I checked on the gun. It was still sitting there, right where I had left it.
It hadn't moved itself outside. It certainly hadn't killed anyone, even with the numerous opportunities
it had been presented to do so. In fact, it hadn't even loaded itself. Well you can imagine my surprise,
with all the media hype about how dangerous guns are and how they kill people.
Either the media is wrong or I'm in possession of the laziest gun in the world.

The United States is 3rd in Murders throughout the World. But if you take out Chicago, Detroit,
Washington DC and New Orleans, the United States is 4th from the bottom for Murders.
These 4 Cities also have the toughest Gun Control Laws in the United States. All 4 are controlled by Democrats.

It would be absurd to draw any conclusions from this data, right?

Well, I'm off to check on my spoons, I hear they're making people fat.
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Re: Lazy Gun

Postby RayK » Sun Aug 03, 2014 10:22 am

RichD wrote: Today I swung my front door wide open and placed my Remington 30.06 right in my doorway.
The United States is 3rd in Murders throughout the World. But if you take out Chicago, Detroit,
Washington DC and New Orleans,

I don't see any humor in this story. Maybe you have to live in a rural area with relatively few people to think it is funny.

If you left a gun in sight in certain parts of those cities with millions of people of all kinds and sorts, your gun would be gone and someone might be dead. And the person you provided with the gun would have been unlikely to kill someone without a gun.

It is the people that are the problem and guns are, by far, the most effective tool in intentional killing that most of us can access.

What is the hand-carry tool of choice for soldiers to kill their enemies?

If my attacker has a gun and I do not, I'm probably a dead man even if I'm stronger and more skilled than he is.

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Re: Lazy Gun

Postby RichD » Sun Aug 03, 2014 10:18 pm

You don't see the humor? . . . indeed you don't. No one in their right mind would leave a
firearm in a doorway and nothing to suggest anything funny about that.

When a deranged lunatic uses a gun to commit heinous crimes against the innocent, its always
the gun itself that is attacked and portrayed as an evil device that has no place in a civilized society.

This only points out the ridiculous ignorance towards guns themselves in a humorous way.

Lighten up.
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Re: Lazy Gun

Postby RayK » Mon Aug 04, 2014 8:55 am

I am against gun control.

But you have to admit, the easy access to firearms in our country makes it easy for anyone (maybe a nutcase or drug addict or spouse looking for easy alternative to divorce) to kill and/or injure other people if they get the whim to do so.

Laws and police really don't protect anyone. They clean up the mess after the damage has been done. When the guilty are prosecuted, our criminal justice system lets them out on parole to do it all over again.

If you lived in the inner city, you'd be voting to take away "the other guy's gun" too because it is just a matter of time before they kill someone with it.

And many of these baddies get their guns by stealing them from folks who would never use them for anything but good uses, but do not secure them in a way that prevents them from being stolen.

Guns are the great equalizer. I really can't defend myself against another with a gun even if I am stronger faster than they are. I might have a chance if they have a knife or club and certainly if they are unarmed. I might be able to run away....but not if they have a gun and basic shooting skill.

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Re: Lazy Gun

Postby ksmrf » Mon Aug 04, 2014 12:21 pm

some peoples kids
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Re: Lazy Gun

Postby RichD » Mon Aug 04, 2014 4:19 pm


Unfortunately you continue to miss the whole point here.

Firearms are far more difficult to obtain today than they were fifty or even a hundred years ago and
yet we have more deranged criminals roaming our streets than ever. Did we ever have mass shootings
in schools or malls a hundred years ago? Did we ever have entire neighborhoods ruled by armed thugs
a hundred years ago? Look at the gang problems that continue to grow everyday across this country!
Most of the serial killings happened in the last fifty years. How many serial killers did we have a
hundred years ago? Look at the big city crime statistics in the last 25 to 50 years as compared to a
hundred years ago!

I ultimately blame this on the steady and ongoing deterioration of our morality and disappearing family values.
We see it in our so called pop culture, education system, and the politicians that we put in office.
Guns are not the cause of these problems as the so called "common wisdom" would have you believe.

I spent the first 27 years of my life in New York City, born and raised there. I knew and sometimes
saw first hand the crimes that were committed in the Whitestone, Flushing, Long Island City areas
of Queens where I grew up and went to school. I also knew the ridiculously strict gun laws protected
no one but the criminals themselves. Kitty Genovese was murdered in Kew Gardens, not far from where
I lived. She was chased and stabbed to death by a recidivist stalker as she left her job. Almost forty
people heard her cries for help and witnessed her murder. None of these witnesses had the ability to
carry a firearm.

So no, Ray, you are dead wrong. I would never vote to take away a gun from any law abiding citizen!
Almost all guns used for criminal activity are illegally obtained on the black market, not stolen from
the homes of law abiding citizens. Did you ever wonder why the police say "another gun off the street"
when they find these guns in the possession of convicted felons?

Obviously your view on guns and gun ownership is completely warped and misaligned, your facts are
wrong, and you do not have a clue to what you're talking about.
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Re: Lazy Gun

Postby RayK » Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:41 pm

RichD wrote:Unfortunately you continue to miss the whole point here.

No, I fully understand.

I actually agree completely with your points about declining morality.

When you live in a population dense area where there are now millions of people concentrated in a small area, you need some rules.

If you live out where people have some space, you can get by with almost none.

Guns were invented to kill whatever you shoot them at: wild game, attackers, enemies, pests, whatever. They are about the only thing an individual can own that has no other purpose than to kill. They are very effective tools for killing. All shooting "sports" evolved out of improving skills in making kills.

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Re: Lazy Gun

Postby RayK » Mon Aug 04, 2014 6:44 pm

RichD wrote:Almost all guns used for criminal activity are illegally obtained on the black market, not stolen from
the homes of law abiding citizens.

I'm not sure where you get your fact, but plenty of guns are stolen from home invasion robberies around here.
You should inform the government that you know the answers, because they don't know. ... guns/7869/

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Re: Lazy Gun

Postby RichD » Mon Aug 04, 2014 7:46 pm

RayK wrote:
RichD wrote:Almost all guns used for criminal activity are illegally obtained on the black market, not stolen from
the homes of law abiding citizens.

I'm not sure where you get your fact, but plenty of guns are stolen from home invasion robberies around here.
You should inform the government that you know the answers, because they don't know. ... guns/7869/


Definitely not from liberal publications like that, lol!!
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Re: Lazy Gun

Postby eric1368 » Mon Oct 13, 2014 4:00 am

I thought it was funny,! UMH? hence the title "Humor" section. Some people are so serious, lol. al rightythen...
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