Knee rest mod or after market???

DIY Modifications to the Benjamin Marauder, like Depingers, bolt handles, etc.
Mod parts offered for sale should be posted in the AFTERMARKET section.

Knee rest mod or after market???

Postby mbrave on Sat Dec 04, 2010 8:23 pm

Has anyone fashioned a knee rest that mounts to the stock for FT? I have seen the stuff on the adjustable cheek piece mod and the aftermarket buttplates but no knee rest.
Any pics of what you have done would be awesome...

Along those lines, does anyone know if the stock is thick enough to install an accessory rail on the bottom like on an AA S400 MPR FT or similar?

Hopefully the backorder for my rifle will be fulfilled soon, but in the meantime it would be great to plan out the mod's or list of after market parts.

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Re: Knee rest mod or after market???

Postby spysir on Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:13 am

Havent seen one yet but there seems plenty of wood to mount a rail, there are two common sizes one by freeland -$8.00 and the standard European -$47.50 both sold here:

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Re: Knee rest mod or after market???

Postby lamerabbit on Fri Dec 10, 2010 9:46 am

Hi mbrave:

Yes, i make them for all my rifles, even my Contender carbine. I use a piece of 2 by 4 drill through it with my drill press for a 1/4 by 20 bolt, and put a 1/4 by 20 anchor into the bottom of the stock to hold it on. How high the knee rest ends up being depends on the rifle stock shape, and who I making the knee rest for. More often than not I cut down the 2 by 4 and add another piece of 2 by 4 that has bee cut to just over 2 inches wide. Then I grind the wide side into a semi circle into the bottom using the top part of my belt sander. this centers it on the knee. I then attach this to the other piece of 2 by 4. Then stain to match or paint however you want it.

It is simple and it works better than any of the pricey contraptions that you can buy........ and it unscrews in less than a minute. The only real marks on the stock are the anchors. I usually only use one anchor and use another hole in the stock like the main stock bolt hole or such to add a round headed screw to the knee riser that matches the hole in the stock. This keeps the riser form moving.

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Re: Knee rest mod or after market???

Postby mbrave on Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:17 am

Guys, thanks for the tips. The homemade knee riser sounds like a good idea. I just need to figure out how to make it more adjustable since I would like to be able to position it for offhand shooting as well as sitting and kneeling.

Now if only that gun would get here already...

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Re: Knee rest mod or after market???

Postby Bruce Jarrett on Mon Dec 13, 2010 9:46 am

Could you post some photos ?
Bruce Jarrett
Posts: 49
Joined: Sat Oct 16, 2010 7:04 pm

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