I think your're right. The fast response, recording sound meters used to test fire arms suppressors are much more expensive than the Radio Shack variety.
Also, consider that the Marauder is already fairly quiet. De-pinging is worthwhile from my experience. My air stripper does reduce sound noticeably, but still the overall change is subtle. I mostly did it to try to reduce the "O-ring set POI shift".
The stock baffle OD is .270" while the shroud ID is .280", the bore hole in the baffles is .280", so there's a fair amount of slop there, both in fit and in the oversize bore (for a .22 cal anyway). Suppressors for regular firearms will typically have a bore that is about .030" larger than bullet diameter. A bigger bore allows for more "slop" in concentricity without the risk of baffle strikes, but also takes away from sound reduction.
So, I'll be making new baffles that are tighter fitting and have a smaller bore. I'll also make them shorter and use more of them. Not expecting much sound reduction, though there should be some. What I'm after is minimizing POI shift and improving accuracy.