Air tube Longer?

DIY Modifications to the Benjamin Marauder, like Depingers, bolt handles, etc.
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Air tube Longer?

Postby ahs2185 on Wed Oct 06, 2010 11:11 pm

does anyone here have any info as to how hard it would be to fabricate a slightly longer air tube that is one piece? all mounting holes and threading etc. aside what would one need material wise to achieve some added volume? I do realize that Greg D. makes extensions but they are pricey for one and two from what I understand lead time from order date is 4 months give or take.
The reason I ask Is because I'm planning on getting a reg. but I would also like to have a longer shot count (i have a .177). I figure with the right tube stock and tools one could make a longer tube for less $$
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Joined: Fri Sep 17, 2010 4:03 pm

Re: Air tube Longer?

Postby tjbryner on Thu Oct 07, 2010 10:47 am

I am also looking to do my own. I thinking about using Honed Steel Tubing from

I'm going to add 6" to mine. Still working it out in my head. As soon as it's done I'm going to post it and let everyone know how it goes.

That might be a while so many projects to do before snow fly's!
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Location: Central, Pa

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