WAR NBH - No Bounce Hammer Video

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Re: WAR NBH - No Bounce Hammer Video

Postby FuzzyGrub » Tue Oct 14, 2014 3:52 am

Jim, Travis,

I know you guys will stand behind your products. :) No question there at all. From the video's alone, I would expect it to reduce noise and the 10% shot count increase seems reasonable. So, I am not questioning your product claims at all.

My curiosity is what the bounce looks like on a "real" tune. And how much the valve actually opens on the bounce.

For low pressure, disco type tunes (2K to 1K) you are fighting a heavy hammer. ;)

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Re: Comparison Question

Postby Squinter » Wed Oct 15, 2014 5:01 pm

Hey Guys, I have a P-Rod and this may be a question that is completely off base, but, here goes. Is there a WAR NHB device for a P-Rod? Can you give a comparison of this to a BStaley mod? The pros and cons, major differences, and so on and so forth? I have a Woods Walker that is completely out-of-the-box stock and am open to any and all help in tuning and don't mind spending more to get more.

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Re: WAR NBH - No Bounce Hammer Video

Postby oldpro » Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:21 pm

Yes we have a no bounce hammer or NBH for the prod. It does exactly the same thing as it does for its big brother the Marauder. The Oring mod was good in its time and still has merit but the two cant be compared really. This Device eliminates bounce and doesn't decrease power plus most important in the prod it really quiets the report substantially. It will become available next month.
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Re: WAR NBH - No Bounce Hammer Video

Postby SHOOTINIT » Thu Oct 16, 2014 12:56 am

Marmot_Militia wrote:@shootinit: What kind of problems do you see it causing?


different performance shooting up or down

parts slapping while shooting downward

bolt locking and loosing all your air

hard to pull back while pointing down

wear on main tube
99% of the time it's the shooter, not the gun.

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Re: WAR NBH - No Bounce Hammer Video

Postby Marmot_Militia » Thu Oct 16, 2014 7:17 am


Your concerns are valid. However, they have all been addressed and overcome.

1) the brake shoes are held in place by two neodymium magnets. They do not move until the hammer begins to slow down as it strikes the valve stem.
2) see #1
3) Very little chance of this, but it is possible if: you are using a softer valve return spring, AND a very weak hammer spring, AND shoot your gun under 200psi. Shooting at normal pressures, with a factory hammer and valve return spring will ensure there is no tank dump. Since we don't use the bolt in any part of this debouncing technique, a locked bolt is nearly impossible. The magnets ensure the brake shoes return to the "resting" position after the hammer stops moving, eliminating the possibility of them remaining engaged as you attempt to cycle the bolt.
4) See #1
5) We viewed this as the single biggest concern during development. After tens of thousands of shots through both my Gen 1, Gen II and Travis' Gen 1 we have borescoped and bore gauged the inside of the main tube. There is absolutely no wear on the main tube. The hammer brake shoes are softer than the reservoir so they will "wear-in" over time. The exact taper, trim length, and design of the shoes allow for consistent braking force throughout the life of the hammer.

I appreciate you taking the time to answer my question, and allowed me the opportunity to respond.

Regarding the P-rod No Bounce Hammer. As Travis stated, I have 50 in the works. They work on P-rods, 22xx series Crosman, and the Disco (which needs it very badly)

All the best,


ps: hope to have time to get videos of NBH at higher pressure before I leave for NC.
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Re: WAR NBH - No Bounce Hammer Video

Postby FuzzyGrub » Thu Oct 16, 2014 10:17 am

Magnets! Cool 8-)

Prods: 2201P .22 Pistol, 1720T Camp Carbine, M4 .177/.22 Carbine, PMrod .177/.22 Rifle, MProd .22
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Re: WAR NBH - No Bounce Hammer Video

Postby Marmot_Militia » Thu Oct 16, 2014 4:33 pm

Yep, little bitty magnets made the difference. I had toyed with springs, bumpers, setscrews, all sorts of stuff. But the magnets do the brake shoe re-setting very elegantly, consistently, and with no fuss.

You guys will love them.


ps: no luck getting a better video today, off to the show I go.
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Re: WAR NBH - No Bounce Hammer Video

Postby BlackICE » Thu Oct 16, 2014 9:11 pm

Nice design, you should have patented it and licensed it back to Benjamin, now it's in the public domain. :)
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Re: WAR NBH - No Bounce Hammer Video

Postby oldpro » Thu Oct 16, 2014 9:58 pm

The price of patenting and then protecting the patent would far out weight our profit.
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Re: WAR NBH - No Bounce Hammer Video

Postby BlackICE » Thu Oct 16, 2014 10:28 pm

Yeah I know that, but just saying...

Patent ~10K, worthless unless you have 100K+ to back it up. The volume on the Mrods too low to be worth the effort. But it applies to all air guns and air metering valves where hammers are used. You never know what it would be worth down the road. Could sell it to a patent troll company.
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