MAC1 Tune Part One

This area is dedicated to the .177 caliber Benjamin Marauder by Crosman.

MAC1 Tune Part One

Postby bob7346 on Mon May 30, 2011 10:14 pm

Hey All:

It has been a while since I posted, just nothing new and exciting, until now. I started just like the rest of you new to PCP. I had to send my first one back, 2" group at 25 yards, with the occasional flier. Then I got my second gun, and started working on it, changed to CPHs, a mod here (lawyer spring removal) a mod there (new stock) and was satisfied over all.

3/4" inch groups, no fliers (except those I cause). I use the mrod to shoot paper in my back yard with friends once a week, and shoot occasional FT at a local club a couple of hours from here. I win in my back yard easily, I have the only PCP, I usually have last place tied down at FT.

I'm going to have more time this summer, and want to start shooting every month at the FT venue. So I decided to try something new, but not really new. I've shot all my life and I always send off the powder burners and have them what I call blueprinted, sometimes twice if I don't get what I want the first time. I always start with top of the line guns that shoot good, but after the blue printing, they were excellent.

Now that I have had my MRod over a year and ran thousands of rounds through it. I have come to a few conclusions. First, the first gun you get is strictly "luck of the draw". It is a massed produced, mass assembled, cheap PCP, tolerances are not that tight, and QC is lacking. My first gun was labeled .22 on the breech, and the barrel was a .177, and the best group was 2". I really think this gun had other numerous problem. On a scale of 1-10 this gun was probably a 3 (at least it would cycle a pellet). My second gun was probably a 6, and a great improvement. However if you are lucky you might get a 9.

continued on post 2
Posts: 67
Joined: Fri Jun 11, 2010 6:22 am

Re: MAC1 Tune Part One

Postby lamerabbit on Tue May 31, 2011 7:01 am

Hi Bob:

You are right about it being the luck of the draw. I talked a shooting buddy into buying a Savage Mark II 22 a few years back, and it shoots better than many target rifles! His Mark II shoots like an Anschutz! I bought a Savage RF a couple of years later, and well, even after a new trigger, and having the barrel re-crowned, it was just scrap steel and it would never be anything but scrap steel…. I could not get it to shoot, no matter what!

Sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you don't, but most often you get what you pay for, more or less! I got lucky with my M-Rod, but it also took a lot of tweaking to get the most out of it. The way it it was setup and bedded and so on, was just not quite right, and it through larger groups than I liked, but I fixed that for the most part. t still is not quite up to some of my other guns, but it is close enough to make it very hard to tell the difference.

Posts: 46
Joined: Thu Aug 26, 2010 8:10 am

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