My new MROD is not so lucky

This area is dedicated to the .177 caliber Benjamin Marauder by Crosman.

My new MROD is not so lucky

Postby ssa on Sun Aug 29, 2010 10:04 pm

I finally break down and get a MROD from AoA a few weeks ago.
Unfortunately my gun does not group as well as others mention here.
The best pellet is CPH, it is doing 3/4" @ 20 yard. It hates JSB Heavy,
doing >1" @20 yard. I also notice there is about 2" horizontal drift when
I switch between CPH to JSB heavy.

Oh, the barrel shroud is touching the barrel band at 6 o'clock position.
I can't get rid of it.

Other than the accuracy, I enjoy other aspect of this gun. Out of factory
it is pushing CPH @ 850 fps. I am getting about 25 shots pump from 2500
psi to 2000.

The gun is currently on its way back to crosman. I am hoping they
can get me one shots better. I really don't know what to expect now.

Just want to share my experience with the MROD. I guess I am spoiled by
the report of accuracy here.

BTW, the FX 4 stage pump works great for me. It seems very solid. I never
need to use the 4 stage yet. However I have a few times accidentally half
engage the 4 stage screw. It create some hissing sound at the 3.5 stage.
I guess it is because the screw is not lock in all the way, not really air tight.
Either 3 or 4 stage works perfectly fine so I consider it is an user error on
my part to place it at 3.5 stage.
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Re: My new MROD is not so lucky

Postby lamerabbit on Wed Sep 01, 2010 6:29 pm

Bummer, I know Crosman has had a lot of problems with their Mrod barrels. A lot of the guys that I have talked to tell me that the first thing they do is re-crown the barrel........

I am hope Crosman fixes your problem.

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Re: My new MROD is not so lucky

Postby Supercharged86 on Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:00 pm

SSA, Unfortunately too, it takes alot of experimentation to find the perfect pellet for a given rifle. We all know it can get frustrating, we've been there. But first off, the barrel can't be touching the band, so hopefully this takes care of most of the problems. Good luck. Steve
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Mrod .177 with EunJin 16.1's = A bad day!!!
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Re: My new MROD is not so lucky

Postby ssa on Thu Sep 02, 2010 11:40 pm

I don't have the special equipment to re-crown. I was hoping to get a stock one shoot well.
I should have got the .25 instead.

It seems most people have good luck with CPH or JSB Exact heavy. My other lighter pellet
shot even worse. I also try to shoot without the barrel band. It doesn't help.

I also notice that if the shroud does not tight down to the breech, with half turn of the
slack, the barrel will not touch the barrel band. But it does not shoot well, my guess is that
there are too much flex in the barrel without the support from the shroud.

If I tight down the shroud to the breech, the shroud pull the barrel to touch the
6 o'clock position. It shot slightly better, I guess the support from the breach make the
barrel flex less. But the shroud effectually slightly bending the barrel downwards.
There seems to be some mis-align between the barrel and the shroud, or the breech.
When tight down, the shroud want to point slightly lower than the barrel. I try a few ways
can't make them agree with each other perfectly. My guess was that, the shroud
was not cut perfect 90 degree to the breech. It take very small amount of mis alignment
to show on the barrel end. I think of sanding the shroud where it touch the breech,
but I don't want to do that to a new gun.

The good news is that the gun is on its way back now. Not sure it is a different gun or
some parts replaced. Crosman ship the replacement back the next day after received it.
That is very fast, I am impressed.

I hope this one shots well. I will report back when I get it.
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Re: My new MROD is not so lucky

Postby DaveShooter on Sat Sep 04, 2010 6:32 am

ssa wrote:I finally break down and get a MROD from AoA a few weeks ago.
Unfortunately my gun does not group as well as others mention here.
The best pellet is CPH, it is doing 3/4" @ 20 yard. It hates JSB Heavy,
doing >1" @20 yard. I also notice there is about 2" horizontal drift when
I switch between CPH to JSB heavy.

Oh, the barrel shroud is touching the barrel band at 6 o'clock position.
I can't get rid of it.

Other than the accuracy, I enjoy other aspect of this gun. Out of factory
it is pushing CPH @ 850 fps. I am getting about 25 shots pump from 2500
psi to 2000.

The gun is currently on its way back to crosman. I am hoping they
can get me one shots better. I really don't know what to expect now.

Just want to share my experience with the MROD. I guess I am spoiled by
the report of accuracy here.

BTW, the FX 4 stage pump works great for me. It seems very solid. I never
need to use the 4 stage yet. However I have a few times accidentally half
engage the 4 stage screw. It create some hissing sound at the 3.5 stage.
I guess it is because the screw is not lock in all the way, not really air tight.
Either 3 or 4 stage works perfectly fine so I consider it is an user error on
my part to place it at 3.5 stage.
I would call Crosman and tell them about the barrel band or shroud are touching like what you mentioned in this post. Mine use to touch at the 12:o'clock position. I told crosman about it and they sent me a new barrel band that dosen't touch at all in 360-degrees around the Shroud at all. Also check the barrel band on your eifle now you can adjust the band by loosening the 2 allen set-screws and move the band left or right to center shroud in the band.
I also found out on a 22 Mrod the b-band was reall close to touching the shroud so I loosened slightly the stock screw so that it didn't pull down on the top of b-band into the shroud. The barrel band as you know is tightened on the bottom of the air tube by those 2 set-screws and when the stock is tightened up by the stock screw it could pull the rifl down deeper in the stock that is what I found out on my 22 Mrod. Now the b-band on my 25 and the other 2 calibers of Mrods I had didn't touch at all and were are true free floating set up or barrel shroud...... Hope this helps.....Dave ps one thing too is to clean the barrel can help with accuracy issues . Be careful as too how ya clean and what you use on or to clean your barrel along with finding the right pellet to your rifles likeing may also help with how your groups are turning out.... :D :D :D
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Re: My new MROD is not so lucky

Postby lamerabbit on Sun Sep 05, 2010 7:21 am

Hi Dave:

To re-crown the barrel all you need is some bore paste and a round headed brass screw. This is an old time method, but works well with most barrels. You simply remove the barrel and clamp it very carefully into a vise pointing up and put the brass screw into your drill. The slot part of the screw helps hold the bore paste in place. You just hold the screw straight down on the barrels crown. Don’t use a lot of pressure, or don’t push down as airgun barrels are softer rather than hard as fire arms barrels. Just let the weight of the drill do the work for you. Run the drill slow rather then high speed, and keep adding bore paste as needed, you are fixing a problem, and being in a hurry will not fix it. You will know when you are done when you have a perfect circle around the lands and grooves.

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Re: My new MROD is not so lucky

Postby lamerabbit on Sun Sep 05, 2010 7:23 am

Sorry that should say Hi SSA, not Dave I think I am still asleep.........

or is it "No man, Dave's not here......"
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Re: My new MROD is not so lucky

Postby DaveShooter on Sun Sep 05, 2010 5:50 pm

lamerabbit wrote:Sorry that should say Hi SSA, not Dave I think I am still asleep.........

or is it "No man, Dave's not here......"
I'm asleep ha ha ha :D :D :D
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Re: My new MROD is not so lucky

Postby ssa on Sun Sep 05, 2010 10:25 pm


While I am not sleep, I did adjust the two screw on the barrel band. It can adjust the
barrel band left and right. But it can't solve the problem when it is touching at 6' o'clock.
Also, I did try show without the barrel band, it is not helping. In my case, I believe
the barrel shroud is slightly bending barrel when tighten up to the breach. That is
without the barrel band. Interesting tip about stock screw bending the air tune.


Thanks for the cool tips of the re-crown, that is very clever.

Only two more days to receive my replacement MROD, can't wait to try it.
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Re: My new MROD is not so lucky

Postby RayK on Wed Sep 08, 2010 10:48 am

Can we have an update? How does your replacement marauder shoot?

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