Marauder and FT Competitions

This area is dedicated to the .177 caliber Benjamin Marauder by Crosman.

Marauder and FT Competitions

Postby bob7346 on Fri Oct 22, 2010 8:01 pm

Just read the results on the Nationals and was very surprised to see very few Marauders listed. Other than the A team, there was only two entrants in the Hunter class. With the groupings I see pictures of, and reports of on this forum, I would have thought that there would have been many more Marauder shooters listed.

I'm new to this airgun thing, and with continual practice am getting better each day. I compete in all the regional events, but so far have been basically at the bottom of the group in the Hunter class. Last month was due to two rookie mistakes on my part of course.

Has anyone else been competing in Regional or local orginized events? How have you been doing? What kind of scores have you posted? Any tips or secrets that I might have missed or can use in the Hunter class?

If you live in Texas, you should attend a shoot or two at the Yega site in Summerville. It is a gorgeous place, that is ran well, and has very friendly people that has been doing this for years, and really helpful.

I plan on entering the Republic of Texas Championship come spring time which will be my first big event (State Championship). I know I have a long way to go to be compediative, but I've got 5 more months to practice.

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Re: Marauder and FT Competitions

Postby spysir on Sun Oct 24, 2010 9:01 am

You WILL see more Marauders in FT in the future, guaranteed.
Mainly it is just such a new rifle. Most FT shooters already have an EV2 or such and if you already have a bucket full of money invested you will use what you already have.
Here is a quote from a champion FT shooter " the Marauder is 90% of what an EV2 is" that is a pretty good endorsement. I would have to believe the missing 10% is the stock, the factory unit just isnt all that.
For practical purposes you could say it has a Theoben MFR trigger, might as well say it has a Theoben mag as well (though single shot is more FT). Drop in a $100 reg and the fps spread is outstanding, as in you can shoot the entire match on one fill, gotta love that.
Jeff A. shoots one in Hunter class at the GOB in Pulaski TN:

I would shoot one if I had one. The marauder is an excelent choice for FT, hunter or otherwise.
The TN State match is Nov. 13th, you should see if one of the TX crew has room in thier car for you to ride along, it is a great venue and will host the 2011 Nationals so you can at least get a feel for the place.
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Re: Marauder and FT Competitions

Postby bob7346 on Sun Oct 24, 2010 6:38 pm


Thanks for the info, I would agree that the Marauders are really quite a gun. I shoot with friends that have P70s and MFRs, and I feel that I will be able to compete with them as my experience increases.

There is no doubt about it, I am still a rookie and make all the rookie mistakes.

Two things you had mentioned, drop in a regulator, is there one availiable that really is a drop in? The second is the stock, does anyone make a FT one at this time? I have already done the adjustable butt plate, and adjustable cheek riser, and both mods really helped.

As far as the State championship, most of the guys I shoot with just came back from Nationals, and still dragging ass. I don't think that they are up for another road trip this soon.

However, there should be quite a contingant from Texas for the Nationals next year, including myself.

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Re: Marauder and FT Competitions

Postby ssscottg on Sun Oct 24, 2010 10:13 pm

Hi Bob,

I wish you the best of luck in FT shooting league next season. It's good news that the FT community has some respect and admiration for the Marauder, like racing the best modifications come from competition. Can you please post a picture of your stock with the butt plate and adjustable cheek riser? I plan to do these mods on the stock this winter. Supercharged did an outstanding job on his with the Graco kit, so I was wondering if you used the Graco kit for the cheek riser or another method.

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Re: Marauder and FT Competitions

Postby bob7346 on Mon Oct 25, 2010 6:38 am


Yes, I used the Graco on the cheek riser. I originally ordered one from Cabellas or Sportsman guide, but the standoffs were to short. I then contacted Graco direct and ordered one with extended posts (I ordered 3", but cut them off to 2" in the end}, the reason I needed it was a 56 AO with high rings. It is not the easiest mod to install, but take your time and plan it all out, and it will work. The thing really helped improved my consistancy, which I am working on the most.

By consistancy, I don't mean going from 75% to 98%, but going from 95% to 99% which you need in FT. Yes, I can shoot a 3/8" inch group @ 25 yards, but only about 25% of the time. 1/2" group 50% time, 3/4" group 85% time, 1" group 99.9% of the time. When I read about some of the groups other guys get, I wonder. I sure havn't seen it yet in the competitions I shoot at. I've started a bad habit lately, my last mag I use to try and hit the map pins I use to hold up my target, the reason it is bad, is I am running out of map pins. It takes me an average of 2.5 shots per pin.

I used a Morgan adjustable recoil pad, easy to install, cheap. It works great.


I will post some pics as soon as I can find time. It is not the best looking gun out there, but very functional.

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Re: Marauder and FT Competitions

Postby spysir on Mon Oct 25, 2010 7:00 am

bob7346 wrote:Spysir:

Two things you had mentioned, drop in a regulator, is there one availiable that really is a drop in? The second is the stock, does anyone make a FT one at this time? I have already done the adjustable butt plate, and adjustable cheek riser, and both mods really helped.


Yes on the reg, no on the stock.
I know several people who use the reg from Vincent, $100.00 delivered. Jeff's blog is most useful: ... regulator/
Perhaps the best $100.00 ever spent on an airgun add on. I consider it a "drop in", just remove air-remove end cap-remove air guage & block-drop in spacer-drop in reg-replace end cap-refill with air.
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Re: Marauder and FT Competitions

Postby ssscottg on Mon Oct 25, 2010 9:04 pm

Hi Bob,

I then contacted Graco direct and ordered one with extended posts (I ordered 3", but cut them off to 2" in the end}, the reason I needed it was a 56 AO with high rings.

Cool, this is great info.

I am hoping that a consistant cheek weld will reduce paralax error that I am getting from my scope.

I've started a bad habit lately, my last mag I use to try and hit the map pins I use to hold up my target, the reason it is bad, is I am running out of map pins. It takes me an average of 2.5 shots per pin.

:lol: Good thing map pins come in boxes of 100.

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Re: Marauder and FT Competitions

Postby lamerabbit on Mon Nov 01, 2010 9:37 am

Hi Bob:

One thing that might help your practice is a big field target type scope. While it will be useless when shooting hunter class it will help you to have a better hold, trigger release, and range finding. I know it sounds odd, but using a 24 or 32 power scope can really help tighten up your groups. The extra trigger, “lawyer spring” in the Marauder should also be removed from the trigger, and getting rid of the first stage was a big help to me… All the guns had long first stage trigger pulls when I first started shooting FT, but soon as I got rid of that my groups started improving.

Anyway, I hope these hints help

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Re: Marauder and FT Competitions

Postby bob7346 on Mon Nov 01, 2010 12:47 pm


Thanks for the tip on increasing my power and practicing with the higher power. I'll give it a try, I can go up to 16X without changing scopes. The lawyer spring removal was one of the first things I did. The trigger is almost perfect for me now and smooth as can be.

My groups keep getting tighter everytime I shoot. I don't know if it is the gun is finally breaking in, or practice makes perfect. Or it could be that my confidence is building.

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Re: Marauder and FT Competitions

Postby DRAGON64 on Fri Nov 19, 2010 5:36 am

I started a thread on the Field Target forum, actually inquiring about the Crosman Challenger 2009, and received excellent info and kudos for my Marauder, which I want to use in field target shooting (Hunter Class). A good read, check it out here: ... 9+Thoughts

Due to the thread, I will be shooting my first field target match tomorrow in Tennessee with the Good Ol Boys club.
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