FT Stock for mrod

This area is dedicated to the .177 caliber Benjamin Marauder by Crosman.

FT Stock for mrod

Postby bob7346 on Thu Nov 18, 2010 6:19 am

I am begining to get frustated trying to run down a good FT stock for my Mrod. I've already did the standard mods to the stock (riser, butplate) and they really helped, but I need a real FT stock to do better yet.

Either they cost more than my whole setup, or will take years for delivery. I read on the yellow forum about the problems Quality Gun Stocks is having, so they got crossed off my list (no wonder I was having so much trouble contacting them).

If you have seen, or heard of anything, please shoot me a line. FT rocks.

Posts: 57
Joined: Fri Jun 11, 2010 6:22 am

Re: FT Stock for mrod

Postby spysir on Thu Nov 18, 2010 2:06 pm


It isnt that the stock is so expensive, it is that the Marauder is so inexpensive. Sorry friend.
It does seem a good idea to stay away from quality stocks, that is a shame.
So you fixed the cheek problen, fixed the butt pad, now just keep on going!!
Screw & glue some wood under the belly:

to suit your needs. Then add paint:

Maybe you could mock it up just like you want (using JB weld-Bondo-...-... then find someone with a replicator?
There is a fellow in Minor Hill TN with a replicator , I am not at all certain he would have anything to do with a Marauder (darn trigger copying crosman) but maybe. It would likely cost over $400 to copy your design???
So, which would cost more? The Bam50? or the stock?

Now here the airgun on the right is the RWS48/52 which I purchased used for $200.00 :

again, which would cost more the rifle or the stock?
But the real answer is the stock IS money well spent.
Please let us all know if you find a good stock maker who isnt backed up a year or more.

Posts: 47
Joined: Tue Jun 22, 2010 12:54 pm

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