3,000 shots, now not working???????

Benjamin Marauder Troubleshooting
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The Scope and goal of this section of the form is provide useful information 24/7 because I realize that most of us play with the toys on weekends when big companies and telephone support is not always available.

Normally if problems occur during this window you are SOL until the next business day (and your fun is over)

So if you are having problems check or search here to see if it is a known issue and what steps can be taken to resolve the issue.

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Re: 3,000 shots, now not working? now worst !

Postby huffelfingre on Tue May 26, 2009 4:59 pm

Got back # 67 today, Crosman did send me an extra clip, however it is for the 22 Cal., and of course I have the 177 Cal.. Thanks anyway. I remounted my scope and fired a shot. Not even on the paper? hummm I was sure I would probably have some adjusting to do but wow !!!!!!!!!! Upon further investigation I found the barrel band was pushing the barrel way south !!!!!!!!!!!! so I loosened up the 2 Hex screws and TWANG my barrel centered its self . But then I noticed that the band has about 80 thousands clearance between the band and the barrel. Honestly gravity will change my shot !!!!!!!!!!! This is PITIFUL !!!!!!!!!!! I think that there is probably 2 bands as well, one for the 22 cal and one for the 177. anyway my gun is an embarrassment at the moment. At 30 yards I cant keep it on the paper let alone in the black !!!!!! Now in all fairness it was shooting flawless groups before it jammed, and I honestly think somehow they placed the wrong band on my gun. But where is MY ORIGINAL PART !!! The way I feel at this moment they can have the gun back, this thing is becoming more trouble than its worth !!!! Maybe when I cool off I will feel different, But at this moment I am mad !!!!
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Re: 3,000 shots, now not working? now worst !

Postby sacshooter on Tue May 26, 2009 5:14 pm

huffelfingre wrote:Upon further investigation I found the barrel band was pushing the barrel way south !!!!!!!!!!!! so I loosened up the 2 Hex screws and TWANG my barrel centered its self . But then I noticed that the band has about 80 thousands clearance between the band and the barrel.


Hang in there, can you post some pictures to show us what things are looking like?

You are talking about the outside shroud that the barrel free floats in right?

When you shoot at paper how far are you shooting? Crosman is closed now but I have a few suggestions of things you could try:

First remove the clip and inspect the chamber end of the barrel and verify that it has a 177 cal barrel in it. Hold a 177 cal pellet up to it to check, just in case they some how switched it by mistake? It is weird that they would send you a .22 clip back with the gun…

Next I’d shake the (unloaded gun) around with my ear near the shroud and listen for any pellet fragments rattling around in the shroud. If you don’t hear anything then more than likely the shroud is not clipping the pellets which would cause them to go all over the place.

I’d then loosen and remount the scope, checking to ensure that your bases don’t have any sort of scope stop pin protruding out the bottom of the base, this could cause the scope to mount at a slight cant.

Then Go back to 10 yards and see where it hits on the paper, shoot a 5 shot group at 10 yards first before you even try to adjust the scope. If the gun is not constant at 10 yards then don’t even try adjusting the scope.

If it groups 5 shots ok, then try to adjust the scope to about 1 inch low at 10 yards. Then move to 20 and zero it.

I hope this helps, I don’t have a marauder in front of me yet to lend any more assistance, but hopefully someone who does will chime in.

Later when this forum gets established with more people who actually have the Marauders, then more people will offer advice.


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Re: 3,000 shots, now not working???????

Postby huffelfingre on Wed May 27, 2009 12:46 pm

Well I called Russ at 4: 57 AM. California time. And after speaking we determined that the barrel shroud was dented from our wonderful U.P.S. delivery service, so he told me that he would send me another barrel band and shroud. Later I called Russ back from my house. I still had questions. he answered all them and I actually understood. Then we decided to take my gun apart to get it ready for the new parts. after I took it apart I could see that the shroud was terribly dented and probably bent. Well at that point we got off the phone, and I went outside to play with another of my guns. as soon as I get setup my phone rang, it was Russ ! At this point I have to say Roger ( from the post before this one ) you were correct in guessing the gun was clipping . Clipping is a new term for me but it simply means that the pellet is hitting something on the way out ! With the shroud so badly damaged FROM SHIPPING NOT FROM THE FACTORY!!!!! The poor ol pellet would just bounce around before exiting the barrel !!!!!! Remember I shot over 3,000 shots before the valve mystery, and hole in hole accuracy was an understatement. The gun was fantastic ! Anyway back to the great dent drama. Russ decided to be on the safe side they would also send me new baffles and end cap ! Russ is awesome , he not only listened again he thought about the whole thing and ended up once again, going above and beyond what most companies would do. It is called customer service.
Another note, Crosman is truly awesome on many different levels ! You know when you call them you get a live person who is pleasant and sends you where you want to go !!!!!!! I hate pushing buttons and listening to a menu to get help ! Crosman still does business the old fashioned way , with real people and GREAT customer service !!!!!!!!!!
Now if you have read all this blathering on ! then the next issue is. I have a 22 cal clip that Crosman sent me by mistake, and Russ gave me permission to give it away , rather than sending it back. so the first person to contact me through the private message will get it...... Oh yeah please look past the typos in this post.......... also Thank you Roger AKA Sacshooter, for trying to help me !!!!!!! CLIP GONE, SORRY !!!!!!!! ENJOY IT Johnnyi
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Re: 3,000 shots, now not working???????

Postby EdinAthens on Wed May 27, 2009 6:00 pm

I have to agree, the folks at Crosman have been fantastic through my gun problems too. Russ, Ed and Sue have all been extremely helpful and responsive and a pleasure to talk to. They really care about this product line and their customers. I'll buy another Crosman product just for the customer service.
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Re: 3,000 shots, now not working???????

Postby huffelfingre on Thu May 28, 2009 1:45 pm

Well this is just a fast note to say My gun # 67 is now fixed and it shoots better than it did before the UPS damage, if that is at all possible. On a personal note thank you Russ page, from Crosman ! I would say more, but I got things to shoot !!!!!! WOO HOOO ITS BETTER THAN I COULD HAVE EVER HOPED FOR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love my little 177 straight and hard shooting Marauder !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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