first 100 Marauder air rifles

This rifle was just announced, as news develops, I will post it here.

first 100 Marauder air rifles

Postby admin on Tue Apr 21, 2009 2:46 pm

In less then 24 hours just 100 people will get the chance to reserve
the first 100 Marauder production air rifles. The first marauder
air rifles will only be available for sale at

To the best of my knowledge Crosman Dealers will NOT RECEIVE ANY
marauder rifles until the end of May or early June.

If you want to be one of the first 100 people:

1. Go here now and check to see if Crosman will ship to your zip
code. Do this before you try to invest the time trying to reserve
one, by using the link below:

2. If you are located in a ZIP code that Crosman can ship air
rifles to, then return to the above link. Tomorrow, just before
noon. When you go to the link above. You'll notice they have a
countdown clock; this will help you figure out when you need to be
on the site. Ready to order.

If you are lucky enough to be one of the holders of a registration
code, please visit the forum. I have created a special section
where you can join others and talk about your new rifles.

If you have trouble posting on the forum after you registered,
please watch this video.

Once you receive your rifles, please return the forum and post
pictures of your new toys.

So how will the reservation process work?
After talking with Josh at Crosman, this is how I think the whole
thing will work. The first 100 to complete the registration process
will get to choose either a 22 caliber or 177 caliber marauder and
reserve it.

They will then be supplied a unique registration code. Then in
early may when the first marauder rifles are ready to ship, they
will receive an e-mail. The e-mail will contain ordering

When they go to order online, they will have to enter in their
unique registration code, before they are allowed to pay for the

The costs for the new rifle is said to be $529.

Once they have successfully paid for their rifle, it will be shipped.

I could not get a rifle, now what?

US Crosman dealers will be receiving marauder's late May to early
June. Crosman will not release exact numbers of just how many
marauder's each dealer has reserved.

To help people acquire a marauder. I will create an area on the site
for dealers who are interested. They will be able to post and
update availability of the rifles. The dealers will also be able to
state whether they allow pre-ordering of the marauder rifle,
if they wish.

Once I get a few dealers signed up, I will send an e-mail to this
list with a link to the dealer information page.

International customers, will more than likely face a delay when
ordering the rifles. This is due to export and power restrictions.

OK, so that is the update, I wish you all the best of luck to become
one of the first 100, if you are, please remember to come back and
post it on the form.

Good Luck,

Roger Seher

Who is Roger?

Roger is an internet marketer with many hobbies, and websites. Some
websites sell physical products like vacuum sealers and bags, others sell digital products like, and he has quite a few information
sharing sites like and the site. If it is one of his hobbies, chances
are he has a website dedicate to it,allowing him to share the
information he gained with others.
Site Admin
Posts: 38
Joined: Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:16 pm

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