What is the vendors shop?
The vendor shop is a venue where people who are looking for aftermarket parts and accessories related to the Benjamin Marauder & Discovery PCP airguns can find everything in one place.
Why was the vendors shop created?
The vendor shop was created for many reasons. The overall goal is to help people who come to the forum on this site to easily locate and purchase all the amazing aftermarket parts and accessories related to the Benjamin Marauder and Discovery in one place. This saves you time, and simplifies the ordering process.
Why do you call it a Venue?
Consider it like a local farmers market, on a set day farmers and merchants bring their items to a location (venue) that someone else organized. The organizer is the person who finds the farmers and merchants (vendors) and rents out the booths. The Farmers and merchants then have a place to showcase their goods. Now people have a common place to shop, they have a great selection of items related to what they are looking for all in one place. They no longer need waste time and resources visiting a bunch of different places trying to find what they are looking for.
Over time as more people find out about the farmers market, it starts to draw in bigger crowds, along with more farmers and merchants. The result benefits everyone involved.
Can I order stuff from different vendors on the shop at the same time?
Yes, you can order from up to 5 different vendors in s single transaction. As you add items to your cart, the system keeps track of which vendors sell each item. If you try to add an item to your cart that would exceed this limit, you will see a message indicating that you need to finish this transaction first.
During the checkout process the order is split up automatically into vendor specific sub orders.
passing along the sales price of the item (minus store fees) and all shipping fees